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  1. dcipjr

    Is the coffee station back?

    Hi all, With the return to daily service, will the sleeper coffee station will be back? If it's not back, how does one get their morning coffee? Is it free for sleeping car passengers in the café car? I'm traveling next week and...well...let's just say I need my morning coffee.
  2. dcipjr

    Amtrak booking website/issues/timetables removed

    It seems that the timetable link on the individual train pages (as an example, the Capitol Limited, click on "Schedule") has stopped working.
  3. dcipjr

    Amtrak booking website/issues/timetables removed

    Are timetables still available in stations and onboard?
  4. dcipjr

    Capitol Limited sightseer lounge question

    I'll be watching railfan videos come June to see if it's in the lineup. My trip on it will be on the 8th, so I'll confirm here if the SSL is in the consist (hopefully!)
  5. dcipjr

    Amtrak Mask Mandate - Practical Discussion

    Can anyone that's taken a trip recently comment on fresh air / smoke stops? Are masks required if you step out of the train onto the platform and are far away from others? Will I have to pretend to smoke to get some fresh air? I'm not an anti-masker by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm...
  6. dcipjr

    Capitol Limited sightseer lounge question

    Does anyone know whether the Capitol Limited has its Sightseer Lounge back again, or if it will with the resumption of daily service? I've got a trip upcoming in June and was curious if the Sightseer Lounge would be in the consist.
  7. dcipjr

    Amtrak dining and cafe service

    Rats. I have a round-trip PHL-SAN-PHL scheduled for June, and was really hoping for Traditional Dining to be available on the trip. At least I'll be able to have a beer included.
  8. dcipjr

    Amtrak Mask Mandate - Practical Discussion

    Nobody—but I'd prefer a clear policy, and to feel like I'm not hiding anything. I'd also like the option of keeping my curtains open (with the door still shut).
  9. dcipjr

    Amtrak Mask Mandate - Practical Discussion

    I've got an upcoming cross-country trip on Amtrak in June, in sleeper the whole way. I'd hope that the mask mandate is relaxed for when you're in your sleeping compartment with the door shut, and am curious what others report. It makes sense to have it in place when moving about the train...
  10. dcipjr

    Pack n Play in Superliner Bedroom?

    Hey guys, Long-dead topic, but we're looking at doing a Superliner Bedroom with an infant, and trying to figure out how workable this will be. It sounds as if the Travel Lite pack and play will fit (it's 33.5" x 23.2"), but maybe the lower bunk won't be able to be folded down -- all the way, or...
  11. dcipjr

    How Many Sleepers on the Cardinal?

    Were the sleepers still at the back of the train? I'm on #51 on Wednesday and am trying to plan my scenery watching. :)
  12. dcipjr

    Viewliner II Part 2: Dining Car Production, Delivery, Speculation

    I sort of figure the only way would be if they decide to test it out (like they've done with the diner) on a couple trains here and there. But I agree, the outlook is pretty doubtful at this point.
  13. dcipjr

    Viewliner II Part 2: Dining Car Production, Delivery, Speculation

    I have a cross-country trip planned for July, and it's starting with the Cardinal #51. I don't suppose there's any shot of my roomette being located in a Viewliner II?
  14. dcipjr

    Southwest Chief #3(25)

    The crossing was unprotected. There's a sign, but no lights or crossing arms. It's a dirt road. The crew has been exceptional in dealing with this, certainly very tragic situation (there were children involved). There are a lot of Amtrak personnel on the scene. They're inspecting the engine to...
  15. dcipjr

    Southwest Chief #3(25)

    I'm on board now. We hit a car at a grade crossing at around 10 AM MT this morning. Everyone on the train is OK, but sadly, it was a family of 5, and several were killed. :( We'll soon be backing up, presumably so they can get the car off the tracks. Very sad.