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    Brightline/Virgin Trains Orlando-Miami update Orlando Sentinel 11/21/19

    Maybe they measured it with rubber couplers and ultra-stretch braking.......
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    Brightline/Virgin Trains Orlando-Miami update Orlando Sentinel 11/21/19

    From the article: "The maintenance facility will be 1,000 feet long, while each train with two locomotive and 10 passenger cars will be 15 feet tall and 1,300 feet long." I'm just the reporter here.....
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    AMTRAK and Real IDs

    If you want real circular farce, when I went to get my "Real-ID" FL DL, I needed my SS Card, and couldn't find it, which meant I had to get a replacement. So what did the Social Security office require for ID? My NON-REAL-ID FL DL that supposedly isn't any good as ID. So the FL DL that FL...
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    Brightline/Virgin Trains Orlando-Miami update Orlando Sentinel 11/21/19

    Orlando Sentinel article November 21, 2019. Discusses the construction that has begun at the Orlando end, and plans, which include connections to SunRail and Disney, but with no details as to how they intend to make those connections. Estimated fare ORL-MIA of $60-$100 one-way. They are...
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    Glimmer of hope for a DeLand SunRail station

    I was kind of hoping that somebody would notice the fact that the A-Line north to Deland runs literally RIGHT PAST Blue Spring State Park and propose a stop there. School classes from the whole Orlando Metro area could do field trips to Blue Spring, and area Seniors could do a day trip there...
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    Auto Train Coach Food Being Removed 1/14/2020?

    So we have identified a new need - a rideshare network for non-driving people that want to sign on as additional passengers with drivers that are going to travel on Auto Train but who will have empty space in their vehicle. They will have to do that prior to reservations being made, I think...
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    North Carolina DOT's 10 Year Plan (8/13/2019)

    Did a real superficial scan of that. Found this - there is undoubtedly more. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Passenger Rail Projects, CSX A-Line Halifax Northampton P-5741 R171422. DESCRIPTION: Construct New Main Track...
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    GPS Apps

    MAPS.ME for Android is an App that allows you to download maps onto your device beforehand for literally anywhere on earth so that you can use your Android phone or tablet as a GPS without the need to be within range of a cell network, and without using cell data. I use it with my cellphones and...
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    A Modest Proposal

    Back when Amtrak had the Florida Resident Annual Railpass we used to ride all over Florida a lot. Of course, back then it included the Sunset Limited, too, and we used the Railpass to Pensacola and then tickets to NOL and back. :(
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    A Modest Proposal

    "when the Silver Palm ran via Ocala it joined the route to Tampa at Plant City, so did not hit Lakeland on the way to Tampa from the North." [***** Interesting point. I recall seeing those intersections, though. Thanks.*****] "Unfortunately, the Ocala routing of anything anymore is pretty...
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    A Modest Proposal

    As I recall, the Silver Palm ran down the interior of North and North-Central Florida on the CSX "S" Line, past Gainesville, through Ocala, Wildwood, and Lakeland, to Tampa, then back through Lakeland, Then it joined the rest of the route that 91/92/97 98 covered down through Winter Haven and on...
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    Weird Silver Star #92 Consist June 7

    It passed by me in Maitland (+-A783.0) a little after 8:30 PM, Northbound, which tallies with the Amtrak web site, which reported 92 having stopped there at about 8:30 pm - I was about 4 miles North of WPK. It was such a really WEIRD consist with just the engine, two sleepers and a baggage. I...
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    Weird Silver Star #92 Consist June 7

    Hi pennyk - Kappy's has great made-to-order subs, although a little on the greasy side - I've been getting those once in a while since the early 70s. That was the weirdest consist I think I've ever seen. I just about dropped my jaw when it came by. I think there was a SB Sunrail waiting at the...
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    Weird Silver Star #92 Consist June 7

    I was sitting at Kappy's Subs (a long time institution in the Orlando area) at about the A783.0 MM, about 4 Miles North of WPK, just South of the Maitland Sunrail Station, and 92 (NB) went by, at about 8:30 PM EDT. The Consist was an Engine, two Sleepers, and a Baggage Car. in that order. And...
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    New Senators Letter to Anderson

    It's not really a question of whether you want to go there or whether I want to go there. The whole point is to have a NATIONWIDE rail system. Coverage of the entire Nation. It's not SUPPOSED to be a rail system to favorite cities. There are probably LOTS of places AMTRAK should be designed to...
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    Brightline Trains Florida discussion

    If I lived in that County I think I would be bitching to the County Commissioners at their public meetings about all the taxpayers' money that they were throwing away continuing to tilt at this windmill.
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    Brightline Trains Florida discussion

    I dunno about the possibility of increasing elevations enough to save Miami - MIA Intl Airport Runway elevation was officially 7 Feet above MSL on a 1984 FAA Sectional. Unless they have laid new surface on top of that it would be lower than that now. And there are a bunch of navigable rivers...
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    Brightline Trains Florida discussion

    Some thoughts.... Here in Orlando I was happy to see that they got approval for the Bonds for the entire project up through Orlando. From Press coverage up here, the plan is to have an actual station inside the new Terminal they are building at MCO. Also, from local Orlando TV reporting, there...
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    When it comes to growing Amtrak, what service expansion(s) do you view

    One reason for the horrible OTP was the three-times-per-week schedule. The freight roads never really bother setting things up for it, I don't think. That would also have to be changed to daily to have a real hope for OTP change. We're still shackled to the freight, though. And...