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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. A

    When it comes to growing Amtrak, what service expansion(s) do you view

    Restore the Sunset Limited to Orlando. They truncated it because of Hurricane damaged track, which CSX repaired VERY quickly, but they never restored Sunset service to Orlando. Sunset Limited was ALWAYS supposed to be Transcontinental, and it WAS until then. You might be tempted to say "Just run...
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    What if... DISNEY ran Amtrak?

    As somebody living in the Orlando Metro area, I would have to go with the "couldn't possibly afford to ride it" idea. Most of us that LIVE here can't afford to go to Disney unless there's a free pass or super special discount involved. When it opened it was reasonable. Walt must be spinning...
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    Amtrak ONLY Rail Transit to Not Allow Pets!

    You could tell your pet it is a cellphone call away from the taxidermist....?.... (yes, that was a joke, not a serious comment.) But.....Our piano technician is violently allergic to cats dander. He can,and has,gone into anaphylactic shock (potentially lethal; if not IMMEDIATELY treated --->...
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    Why do Amtrak trains have to be so slow?

    But this is NOT the fault of the "baby boomers". The blame falls squarely on Congress. They set up a "Trust Fund" to receive the taxes which we working folks paid in every year. Then they started, and continued to raid that Trust Fund for whatever they wanted to, basically leaving IOUs. Now...
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    Why do Amtrak trains have to be so slow?

    Going by train is not necessarily that much slower than by air. If you mention "it's only a two hour flight", that would be fine except you didn't count the two or three hours you have to be in the terminal in advance of your flight, going through long lines of security (everything but a...
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    Silver Star: New York to Tampa

    This is the ideal time of year here near Orlando. Hi temps near or a bit above 80, lows upper 50's to low 60s. Back to shorts and t-shirts!! Gotta Love It!! Well, no shorts and t-shirts this morning - have a church service to play.. Hi pennyk - we're in Casselberry. Good trip report, Dick -...
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    Valentine's Day - 91-92 WPK-WTH-TPA-WPK

    Had tickets for Valentine's Day (my wife's birthday) WPK-WTH on 91 and returning on 92. 91 was running three hours late, so the WPK station agent called and asked if we'd rather take 97, which wasn't as late. Sure, why not. It would be the same route anyway that day, since 91 was bypassing...
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    New TSA Rules

    This is REALLY going to take a toll on international flights less than an hour in duration - the airplanes will not have any passengers because since they were already an hour or less from their destination, the passengers were not allowed to get out of their chairs at the gate waiting area in...
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    (Sound of Amtrak Baggage Handlers "high-fiving" each other) "ATTABOY!! We bagged another Sonufagun!!!"..... "HOLYCOW!! This thing is waayyyyyyyyyyyy over the weight limit. Toss it back off!!" (Muffled response) "AHHHHHHHH, SHOOT!!!" News Report: Amtrak Decides to Bite the Bullet --...
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    Interesting report from the Amtrak OIG

    If you are trying to do multiple regression analysis or anything with a lot of data involved, Rip Van Winkle is going to have competition from you by the time you do it with your 4-function cellphone. Along the way I completed a minor in Statistics. Basics are simple. Beyond that is not, IF...
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    Silver Star/Meteor Questions

    Pennyk: I'm just East of 17-92 and just North of 436 in Casselberry, and hear them going through Altamonte pretty well most of the time, especially 92 at night, and the radio scanner on Road and Dispatch hears them from almost the Deland/Orange City DD (on good days) down to South Orlando...
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    Crescent Service Disruption

    I would consider that a massive understatement. It's more like having a network news anchor or senior staffer (with a strong interest in passenger rail) on this discussion board.
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    New to Amtrak - travel with young children

    Two comments for the most recent poster: 1. The posts you are replying to were most recently posted in March of 2008, a year and a half ago. 2. All of us who have traveled on Amtrak long distance trains for any length of time have witnessed out-of-control children whose parents truly looked...
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    Boardman says Turboliners "Not coming back."

    Summary: 1. Some would like to see them restored to service by Amtrak. Probable result: Pigs will first sprout wings and fly, replacing bats as insect control fleets. 2. Some would like at least one set to be "Museum'd". Probable result? Who knows. Nobody on this Board is likely to have any...
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    Questions for an Amtrak engineer...

    If a ship or an airplane breaks down, that doesn't prevent other airplanes or ships from continuing on their routes. If the car in front of you stalls, you pass around it. If a train has a grade-crossing collision, which results in serious injury or death, that train is dead at that spot for...
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    Florida Trip

    Part of that bus transportation problem is that the City of Tampa is on the east side of Tampa Bay, and is in Hillsborough County. St. Pete/Clearwater is on the west side of Tampa Bay (a peninsula, really, with the Gulf of Mexico to the west), and is in Pinellas County. So you have the...
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    Florida Trip

    If you are looking for a beachside hotel on the coast from Clearwater south through St. Pete beach, be sure you do a google maps or google earth look at it. "Bayview" in the name may be a strong hint that it is NOT on the Gulf of Mexico beach, but rather on the other side. And if you do get a...
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    Florida Trip

    Unless they've changed the bus routes and schedules, my wife and I did indeed take the municipal bus out to the beach, and it did have a stop not much more than about 75 feet from that hote, which I believe is one block from the beach. Clearwater beach is a lot farther from the Tampa station...
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    Radio monitoring, worth it? What type?

    Since my wife and I both have "ham" licenses, we use hand-held ham radio units that are programmable and also receive rail, marine, police, ,aviation, weather, etc., freqs. They are also programmable by computer - using a computer program and a serial or USB cable, making it much easier to...
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    Radio monitoring, worth it? What type?

    For those who have "ham" licenses (FCC Amateur Radio Licenses), like both my wife and I do, virtually all 2 meter and 440 MHz hand-helds "HT's" include wide-frequency-coverage receivers that will cover the RR freqs and have plenty of memories, and a scan function. We always carry at least one...