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  1. C

    Chicago Layover

    That's what I grew up calling it too, I only heard of the phrase Detroit style sometime in the last decade. Although it is a deep dish, it doesn't feel as heavy in the stomach as a typical Chicago deep dish does. And yes, the crispy cheese buttery edges are what define it (at least in my mind)...
  2. C

    Chicago Layover

    I've never had "pizza" from St Louis. Now my curiosity is aroused. That said, I could go for some Detroit style pizza.
  3. C

    Amtrak Siemens Charger locomotive (SC44, ALC42, ALC42E) (2015 - 1Q 2024)

    Got it, somehow I didn't make that connection in my mind. Reading the latest section 305 meeting notes, it sounds like the Chargers, at least those that have been delivered, will probably be in service before the summer ends.
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    Amtrak Siemens Charger locomotive (SC44, ALC42, ALC42E) (2015 - 1Q 2024)

    Nice video. The westbound Empire Builder? I know they are sending them to Pueblo for testing and burn in. Are they then being sent to Chicago before heading back to Seattle?
  5. C

    Are You Afraid Of Flying?

    I am not afraid of flying. Although I would prefer to have the controls (as any good pilot does) when I am in an airplane (or car for that matter).
  6. C

    Northeast Corridor Commission FY16 Annual Report and FY18-22 Capitol I

    The Capital funding report appears to show the following projects where funded as part of the RRIF loan that includes the new Alstom trainsets. Baltimore Penn Station Infrastructure Improvements - $43.0M Maryland Section Reliability Improvements - $38.8M Ivy City/Washington Terminal Yard...
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    Northeast Corridor Commission FY16 Annual Report and FY18-22 Capitol I

    I may be reading that ESA report wrong but it looks like less than 10% of the funding comes from the HSIPR/ARRA grant. On page 75 it mentions accelerating the drawn down of those grant funds, so I would assume the plan is to use whatever is left of that funding before using unspent funding from...
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    Northeast Corridor Commission FY16 Annual Report and FY18-22 Capitol I

    The Northeast Corridor Commission released it Annual Report for 2016 and its Capital Investment Plan for 2018 to 2022 yesterday. The FY2016 Report can be found here. The FY2018 to FY2022 Capital Investment Plan can be found here. I have only done a preliminary look through them, so I won't...
  9. C

    HHP-8 starting to be retired now?

    I wasn't expecting that news, interesting.
  10. C

    Viewliner II Part 2: Dining Car Production, Delivery, Speculation

    Just to return to the Viewliners. It took about a month for the Annapolis to be put in service after arriving in FL, any chance that Atlanta and Augusta get placed in service quicker than that?
  11. C

    Gateway Project/New York Penn Station capacity improvement

    From the Hudson Tunnel Project website... This (The Alternative Development Report) probably should have been released when they announced the preferred alternative, but it wasn't. Maybe it was a result of the accelerated planning schedule they are using. Anyway the document gives the...
  12. C

    Charger in Chicago yard!

    I would be curious to know how many there are, I can see two, are there more and their numbers.
  13. C

    DE & MD studying Delmarva train options

    While I don't know if there are restrictions on long term parking in either location (there may or may not be), and neither are secured fenced in lots, I would be willing to consider the DelDOT campus and the Scarborough Rd location. Assuming that there is nothing particularly attractive in or...
  14. C

    DE & MD studying Delmarva train options

    The Wilmington-Dover bus (301) stops/starts on DelDOT's main campus in Dover, it also serves the Dover Transit Center and Scarborough Rd park and ride. The Newark-Dover bus (302) stops/starts at the Transit Center and serves the Scarborough Rd park and ride. The Dover-Georgetown bus (303)...
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    Baltimore B&P tunnel replacement study

    Just to bring this back to the B & P tunnel. The last paragraph, in a nutshell. Amtrak will spend at least some of its general capital budget in an effort to continue to move the project...
  16. C

    Amtrak Siemens Charger locomotive (SC44, ALC42, ALC42E) (2015 - 1Q 2024)

    My question, although I am assuming the answer is not public knowledge, is how long can they wait before having to chose whether or not to exercise the option for the Chargers? Certainly they would like to see how they perform in day to day operation first if possible. If they do work well...
  17. C

    Amtrak Siemens Charger locomotive (SC44, ALC42, ALC42E) (2015 - 1Q 2024) It looks like Amtrak wants to compare the option for the 150 LD version of the Charger with proposals from other manufacturers as they put out a request for information for 150...
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    Baltimore B&P tunnel replacement study

    I believe the specs (for the Acela II) trainsets have a certain schedule they need to be able to meet on the current route. Certainly one could figure out the overall cost per minutes saved (from the various projects mentioned) but I will offer two thoughts. First, it would probably be better to...
  19. C

    The Cardinal...

    Try again, the latest day that you can book online is Feb 28, 2018. I was able to find the Cardinal departing on the 27th....
  20. C

    Baltimore B&P tunnel replacement study

    I am sure that existing maintenance cost are known as well as a reasonably estimate of them going forward. I am not sure the ROI calculation will be what gets this project done, I am just hoping it is not a failure of the current tunnel. As far as using the above the rail profit, a project like...