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  1. C

    Baltimore B&P tunnel replacement study

    While the time savings is the benefit that the public will most likely notice (it is a slow crawl through there), I would suggest that the important benefits are in the resilience and capacity improvements.
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    Baltimore B&P tunnel replacement study

    Now that the Record of Decision has been made, the only way I see anything else being built involves doing nothing for at least a decade or two first, at that point it would make sense to see if another plan is better suited at that time. Alt 3B has similar advantages to 3C in travel time and...
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    Baltimore B&P tunnel replacement study

    Its really not that many, and I would suspect most of the cars parked in that area parked would be owned by those residents that will be displaced anyway.
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    Baltimore B&P tunnel replacement study

    Chapter 3 of the FEIS (p.29) has a chart showing the travel time reductions for the new tunnels, under Alt 3B (refined). Page 32 has travel times between Baltimore Penn and the Gwynns Falls bridge. Over that segment the current travel times are nearly identical, and the alternative provides time...
  5. C

    NYC Subway Bombardier R179s

    At what plant is Bombardier building the R179s?
  6. C

    Baltimore B&P tunnel replacement study

    No surprise they went with 3B, I figured it would be another month though before they released the ROD though... They must have put this out in the last couple of hours, I didn't see it when I checked earlier today (its one I have been following fairly close). Now time to read through the ROD...
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    Newark, DE ready to start construction for eventual SEPTA-MARC meetup

    Good points. I would have to assume that UD students might also find having these options convenient.
  8. C

    Amtrak Siemens Charger locomotive (SC44, ALC42, ALC42E) (2015 - 1Q 2024)

    The NGEC web-page has been updated with the meeting minutes for 3/28/17. It states that 9 chargers where conditionally accepted on the 28th. They also seem to suggest progress on the various agreements between the states and Amtrak on the contracts related to their use. And a question, what is...
  9. C

    Newark, DE ready to start construction for eventual SEPTA-MARC meetup

    I wouldn't expect that Amtrak would present much of an obstacle, since I think a fair share of the riders that would transfer between SEPTA & MARC probably aren't riding Amtrak on a regular basis. They will certainly want infrastructure improvements and charge as much as they do for commuter...
  10. C

    Newark, DE ready to start construction for eventual SEPTA-MARC meetup

    DelDOT has a project web page for the station here. Not much, but the presentation to the Newark City Council slides at least give a glimpse of what they are planning.
  11. C

    High Speed Rail Proposed for United City-States of America

    Well 15' does certainly present a challenge, I suppose it could be worse.... Beyond physically having the property, it would most likely require rebuilding or replacing a fair number of the bridges along that particular stretch of tracks. Thinking aloud; assuming 4 tracks, it would be 45'...
  12. C

    High Speed Rail Proposed for United City-States of America

    I know track center distance has been mentioned as an issue in the past. What sort of spacing is being suggested at a minimum for track centers?
  13. C

    Possible cancelation Portland-Eugene Amtrak Cascades

    According to some that is impossible. Maybe it is time to realize that transportation funding is more complex than that...
  14. C

    High speed train travel on the Northeast Corridor

    I can admit I made a mistake in what I read, I do not claim to be perfect. I think Eric S captured my thoughts (all though I will admit I did not articulate them) about your statement on not being able to make comparisons to the European or Japanese systems fairly well. How should timely...
  15. C

    High speed train travel on the Northeast Corridor

    Nor do I. A few points. Most of the projects that are in various stages of development (even if they aren't all to the construction phase) for the NEC are for precisely what he claims to want; improvements to allow more dependable and reliable service with the possibility to support additional...
  16. C

    Amtrak Cascades F59PHI's

    I guess another possibility would be Metrolink if their F125 purchase turns out to be a failure....
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    Amtrak Cascades F59PHI's

    I could contribute with rumors (and probably will with my speculation), but I don't think there is anything officially out there for a plan. Am I correct in that Amtrak owns 21 total F59PHIs? I can't see them bumping the P32-8s, I see those as having a life similar to the GP38-3Hs. Always...
  18. C

    Could Only Some of the LD Trains Be Cut Instead of All of Them?

    Thanks for the reply! Certainly something that I think advocates, the states, and congress-critters all should continue push to find out. Sounds reasonable. I would assume e-ticketing still allows for someone (or even an agent) to print a paper copy of the ticket and that paper value tickets...
  19. C

    Could Only Some of the LD Trains Be Cut Instead of All of Them?

    How are the overhead cost split? Does each train get "charged" the same? Does the NEC and state corridors (that run multiple trains) get charged proportionately more because there are more trains? Is there a good breakdown of what is included in the total overhead charge? The 19% increase in a...
  20. C

    Susquehanna River Bridge Replacement study

    The public outreach meeting that was scheduled for tonight has been moved back to Thursday March 23.