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  1. H

    2019 Schedules?

    Have there been any rumors on 2019 schedule updates? I'd like to do a bucket list round-the-country trip and need to consider connections and/or hotels. Sorry if this a duplicate post, but I received no returns from a 2019 Schedule search. Thanks.
  2. H

    Red cap question

    Normally I give $5 for one bag and a ride in WAS or NYP. However I had one exception in WAS. I had 10 minutes to transfer from a very late #20 to an Acela. A Redcap in a cart met my Viewliner vestibule, raced down the platform around in front of our still connected diesels, across three tracks...
  3. H

    Meals for sleeper passengers (what is included?)

    Tipping has not been stressed in this thread. The tip should be based on the total of all menu items you had, plus alcohol. Unfortunately I've seen too many sleeper pax assume no tip necessary because they didn't pay for the meal. That's not fair to the staff. They work just as hard, sleeper or...
  4. H

    Crescent Annulled (South of Atlanta) - Trackwork?

    I'll take a look when I'm on 20 in late December. Looks like NS was makig a few more passing sidings between MEI and BHM earlier this year.
  5. H

    Crescent Annulled (South of Atlanta) - Trackwork?

    You make my point. This is a perfect opportunity to offer that information to prospective customers, rather than a non-informative "Sold Out". Might as well say "Get Lost, We Don't Want Your Business". I'm beginning to suspect that Anderson was given marching orders to destroy LD routes by...
  6. H

    Crescent Annulled (South of Atlanta) - Trackwork?

    Tricia, if memory serves, ATK used to return "Service Not Available" in cases like these. I rode the Crescent regularly between SDL and ALX every few months starting in the '80's before I retired. Service was excellent with schedule keeping spot-on to the extent that I'd arrive ALX or SDL...
  7. H

    Crescent Annulled (South of Atlanta) - Trackwork?

    I agree with you.  My disappointment is with current ATK operations and schedule keeping. We all recognize that ATK is an orphan step-child outside of the NEC. There appears no individual or organization willing, or being allowed to take freight railroads to task, either by direct frontal...
  8. H

    Crescent Annulled (South of Atlanta) - Trackwork?

    It's illogical to list it as "Sold Out" when in fact this is an annual service disruption for a legitimate reason, and has been for the past four or five years. I wonder if this approach may be the result of Anderson's new marketing team trying to show "how popular the Crescent is". Why don't...
  9. H

    Crescent Annulled (South of Atlanta) - Trackwork?

    Apparently Amtrak has annulled the Crescent south of Atlanta, at least for January, possibly longer. I assume this due to NS' annual maintenance in that area. I'm surprised there is no mention of this on the Amtrak website. The website merely returns "Sold Out" when I try to book a trip. Anybody...
  10. H

    Hurricane Michael

    Also heard that Atlanta & St Andrews Bay wood chip cars were on the ground in Panama City, though their trucks were still on the rails. I assume they floated off their trucks when the water rose.
  11. H

    Hurricane Michael

    Meaningless in this thread, but interesting historically. The New York Central charged extra fare to passengers to ride the 20th Century Limited. If the Century was more than 30 minutes late at either Chicago or New York, only the extra fare was refunded, not the basic fare. They figured they...
  12. H

    Hurricane Michael

    Katrina knocked CSX tracks between New Orleans and Pascagoula, MS. Michael won't affect those tracks, but probably will east of Mobile, AL or Pensacola, FL, for who knows how far.
  13. H

    Dinner Times on 20

    My experience has been that under normal circumstances they like to stop serving dinner about 9:30, preferably before. If 20 is still running 2 hours down out of ATL, they may extend that a bit. Your car attendant will know for sure.
  14. H

    When was the last time you rode in an Amtrak dome car?

    In 1971 on the CONO while it was still in IC livery with IC power, and still using CHI's Central Station.
  15. H

    TS/Hurricane Gordon Service Adjustments

    As of 0945(4) 20 is estimated on time (1102) into MEI.
  16. H

    Decent Overnight Near WAS/NYP?

    Hey Y'all, thanks for all the responses. I thought I made a simple request, didn't realize y'all would offer so much experience. Thanks so much.
  17. H

    Decent Overnight Near WAS/NYP?

    I like Courtyards, they're my preferred when driving.
  18. H

    Decent Overnight Near WAS/NYP?

    Thanks Penny, that'll be helpful for late Oct,/early Nov., or somewhere close.
  19. H

    Decent Overnight Near WAS/NYP?

    The Crescent's schedules have become a shambles, So I figure I'd better get a hotel near WAS or NYP. to overnight before going on to BOS and beyond. The last time I went to BOS, 20 pulled into WAS at 1150 (Sched=0953) and I was booked the 1200 Acela. (I figured a 2-hour window was plenty of...