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  1. H

    NOL/LAX/NOL - Great Trip

    Had a really enjoyable and relaxing round trip on the Sunset to attend my grandson's graduation and celebrate my 75th birthday, all on the same day. In NOL I met Jim Hudson who was on his way to SAS from National Train Day in Philly. We enjoyed viewing the Huey Long Bridge over the...
  2. H

    Is there long term parking at New Orleans station?

    Added...I recommended that you identify yourself to Casey when you enter in case you misplace your parking ticket as I did. When I pulled up to pay at the exit and realized I couldn't find the ticket, I immediately saw a sign reading "$30 charge for Lost Ticket" which I assumed was Per Day with...
  3. H

    Is there long term parking at New Orleans station?

    Do NOT, repeat NOT! park in the lot next to the station marked as "Amtrak Parking. It has one of the worst theft records in the city since the occupants are gauranteed to be gone for an extended period. There is an excellent parking garage at 1301 Girod Street, ~2 blocks from the station on...
  4. H


    My Garmin was very useful on a just completed NOL/LAX/NOL trip. Interestingly, the map did not show the rail line in any state except California, but adjusted our position to a nearby road if one was available, otherwise we were shown in the middle of nowhere (which describes most of the...
  5. H

    South by Southwest on the Crescent/SSL/TE

    Great report. Though I'm kinda embarassed to see myself from someone else's perspective, unnerved actually... :o
  6. H

    I experienced the limitations of the cab-car today...

    Cristobal, I never thought about HEP being required for a Cab-Car to operate. It makes sense since there is no other source of power at the "back" end of a train. However, your experience reminded me of a similar one I had six years ago. I was on a NEC Regional from WAS to BOS when our...
  7. H

    Attire in the Dining Car...

    I agree with the person who admitted to being "Old Fashioned". However, I go one step further...I dress to honor and respect the other people in the Dining Car (NOT Diner!), especially those at whose table I have been seated. There is still a certain elegance to traveling by train. We are not...
  8. H

    Deli Near LAUPT?

    Let's see..... 1 - Phillipes is NOT Mexican :( 2 - Phillipes is NOT a Deli :( 3 - My ticket DOES read 03/0230, LAX-NOL, 16MAY10 :) So, 1 for 3 = .333, a lousy average for me. :o But most major league hitters would be very happy with that average.... :lol: Thanks to all of you for your...
  9. H

    Am I the only idiot here?

    The tools are readily available. The problem is convincing policy makers and management that cooperation and vision produce greater results and are more profitable than protecting one's turf.
  10. H

    Deli Near LAUPT?

    Thanks, I was confused also. However, my focus was/is to experience what everyone was raving about @ Phillipe's, not Mexican. :) (Besides, "Phillipe's" is a Mexican sounding name...I think? :P )
  11. H

    Deli Near LAUPT?

    That's it...Thanks!
  12. H

    Deli Near LAUPT?

    A while back there was a topic discussing an eatery a few blocks from the LAX station that everybody said served the best of everything...especially Mexican beef sandwiches, I think. I've searched for that topic so I wouldn't have to embarrass myself by admitting that I didn't write down its...
  13. H

    East coast to west

    Also, you can get a 15% discount on tickets if you are 62 years old and older. The discount applies only to coach tickets, sleeping car accomodations are in addition to coach tickets. If you are younger than 62, then sleeping three nights in a coach seat shouldn't bother you, considering that...
  14. H

    Amtrak may face worse service

    By restricting the bidders list to US companies, the US Treasury would not receive as high a lease income from each tract as they do now. There have been a significant number of tracts in the Gulf that even the foreign developers did not bid on because the cost of development would have been...
  15. H

    Amtrak may face worse service

    We are not "importing foreign producers", BP merely offered the highest bid for that particular Federal Lease tract. Standard, Exxon, Shell, and a host of others, both foreign and domestic could have offered a higher bid, but apparently chose not to, it's that simple. Similarly, Exxon...
  16. H

    City of New Orleans cancelled?

    The Memphis area had more than 12" of rain in some locations this past weekend. There are locations around Memphis where the CN tracks are low and near water. It's possible that CN has had to close the line until it can be checked, repaired, and reopened. Fortunately Memphis did not get...
  17. H

    New Orleans station

    Your best bet would be to tote the luggage around the Riverwalk for a quick shop and lunch, then grab a cab around 12:30 to arrive at the station by 1:00 for your 1:45 departure. 3 hours is not much time for shopping and driving around New Orleans, even in a cab.
  18. H

    Crescent from Hattiesburg to NY

    The 8:15 Regional or 9:15 Acela out of BOS (South Station) should get you into NYP with plenty of time to spare for the Crescent's 2:15 departure. Have fun..... :cool:
  19. H

    Crescent from Hattiesburg to NY

    I "commuted" on the Crescent between Slidell and Washington at least a dozen times before I retired, and my wife and I enjoyed a round trip from Hattiesburg to Washington last October. That said, I can add very little to what Jim has already told you. Though a few thoughts come to mind...
  20. H

    Article Comparing the SWC to the Super Chief

    Nor can Amtrak afford the Pullman and Harvey payscales. The one thing that most people have forgotten is that the major railroads understood that their class-1 passenger train costs were mostly a marketing expense. When corporate CEOs and top managers were treated well on the passenger trains...