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  1. ecetera

    Metrolink (Los Angeles) outage in December 2023

    I haven’t heard anything from them about our ticket. We have the hotel booked for both dates, kids on alert, and will just wait and see how it plays out. I’m normally super ocd about my travel plans but this trip is surprisingly chill for us, thank heavens
  2. ecetera

    Metrolink (Los Angeles) outage in December 2023

    I’m just really glad I found this forum, otherwise we could have really been broadsided depending on when Amtrak decides to actually inform booked passengers, but also very glad we have incredibly flexible schedules. I would think the 26th —the day after Christmas—is a crazy busy day for...
  3. ecetera

    Metrolink (Los Angeles) outage in December 2023

    We booked a room for the 30th while the rate there is still decent. We can cancel up to 48 hours in advance pending what we find out from Amtrak. I’m hoping the 30th is being blocked off so they have seats to offer affected passengers. We really would enjoy a downtown excursion to finish up...
  4. ecetera

    Metrolink (Los Angeles) outage in December 2023

    We are scheduled to return home on the CS from Emeryville to LA Union Station on the 28th — the 30th is the first day of return to service — so if the station is completely closed to trains from the 26th-29th, obviously the ticket I have already booked prior to the dates being blocked off, is...
  5. ecetera

    Metrolink (Los Angeles) outage in December 2023

    We are booked into Union station CS on the 28th —I booked to stay in a hotel that night since the metro link connection we need is too tight and just take it home from Union station the following day. So….sounds like my ticket is about to be cancelled or end at a different station?? I have not...
  6. ecetera

    Amtrak announces Simplified Fares coming soon

    I hadn’t priced it previously, but today got our Cascade tix for next September from SEA to VAC (? Vancouver, not sure if I have the right code) and was very happy that the fully refundable/changeable was only $3 more pp. We may add the CS from Los Angeles if fares for that leg come down, so...
  7. ecetera

    Coast Starlight discussion 2023 Q4 - 2025

    Just booked to travel from Union Station to Emeryville to see the kids for Christmas. This will be my husbands first Amtrak ride, and my 3rd (all on CS) Although we did a lot of train travel last year in Europe. Sadly I booked coach since we won’t be onboard overnight although I did bid for a...
  8. ecetera

    What time of year to travel cross country

    It definitely seems that a lot of work will be in order, tracking prices (all while knowing that this upcoming years data may be irrelevant for next year. Fortunately I love research and travel planning, so I’m completely ok with that. I was describing the CZ and EB routes to my husband, and...
  9. ecetera

    What time of year to travel cross country

    We have absolutely added in extra time — we will arrive on the CS one evening, take the Cascade the next morning, and board the ship two days after that. We do the same when flying in — it’s just not worth the stress, and we enjoy spending time in the departure port city. This particular trip...
  10. ecetera

    What time of year to travel cross country

    We do have lovely weather in September— and even some color in a few areas. And wonderful beaches from massive expanses for sunbathers to rugged enclaves. We are already seeing Halloween stuff in stores so your trip is getting close!
  11. ecetera

    What time of year to travel cross country

    This is essentially what I had heard about — thanks for the clear explanation.
  12. ecetera

    What time of year to travel cross country

    I have read in more than one place that you do, although it may have been just the westbound direction trains. That’s the problem with intense research- sometimes it’s too much to absorb completely. I may have misunderstood, but I distinctly remember it was the TE, and had to do with the cars...
  13. ecetera

    What time of year to travel cross country

    Wanted to thank everyone for such wonderful responses, and sharing your insight and experiences — really enjoying hearing about trips others have done and the various viewpoints. I need to read further back in the travelogue section of the forum :-)
  14. ecetera

    What time of year to travel cross country

    We are booked on the TE in February (although only to SAS). Looking to take a different line for this trip, which is essentially for the journey, not the destination. It’s just convenient that my hubby is from Chicago and we have loads of family and friends to stay with and visit when we go...
  15. ecetera

    What time of year to travel cross country

    We often plan trips in that window, although mostly that has been on cruises. Definitely found it to be a high value time frame. I will pay attention to this year’s pricing, as I expect this trip to be late 2024 or early 2025 unless something amazing comes along price wise. Since this form of...
  16. ecetera

    What time of year to travel cross country

    Any comparative experience between the CZ and the EB (pretty sure I have it straight in my head that the EB goes to Seattle)? Ultimately it may come down to cost, but if the cost is comparable, then the vistas will be a deciding factor. Our oldest lives in Marin, so Emeryville is very...
  17. ecetera

    What time of year to travel cross country

    Valid point — maybe traveling before or after the daylight savings time changes might be something to lightly factor in.
  18. ecetera

    What time of year to travel cross country

    Hello All — I am in the early stages of planning/anticipating our first cross country (LAX to CHI, CHI to either Seattle or Emeryville) train trip. Currently have an LAX to SAS booked, will be doing the CS (northbound) in Sept ’24 connecting the next day to the Cascades into Vancouver to board...
  19. ecetera

    Fare Buckets - and when do they increase/decrease?

    I have been reading the bucket threads with interest, since it is all new info for me in how to evaluate the pricing to know when is a good time to book. I just literally booked the TE from LA to SAS thanks to the bucket chart info. Although the fares were not listed on the chart, I could see...
  20. ecetera

    Joining From California :-)

    Hello All - I spent a few hours last night reading the various posts (already learned a lot) and now am approved to post, yay! My husband and I live in So Cal (I’m a Cal native, he is from Chicago) and I have taken the CS twice (2012 and 2014) in a roomette. Last year we spent a month in...