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  1. G

    LAUS Food Grab

    I suppose it all comes down to a matter of personal preference -- but having eaten at Phillipe's last week and at Cole's the week before, there is simply no comparison in quality. Phillipe's wins by a landslide.
  2. G

    LAUS Food Grab

    You can always ask for it dry.
  3. G

    LAUS Food Grab

    I also have to recommend Phillipe's. I've been eating there for more than 50 years and it is one of my all-time favorites. I ate there last Friday and it was as great as ever. Walk straight out the front of Union Station to Alamdea, turn right and continue about 3 or 4 blocks to Ord. It will...
  4. G

    Traxx Bar Lounge in LA Union Station

    Union Station has a Traxx Restaurant (which is very very good though pricey) and a Traxx Bar (which is associated with but across the lobby from the Restaurant, and which is open to the public). I'm not sure I have ever seen the Traxx lounge, but it might be the roped off area of chairs &...