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  1. Barciur

    Paris to Warsaw on a Russian Railroad Train! (Summer 2016)

    I have never heard of any issues with this train and I am quite shocked by what you are saying. The train is a prestigious train for the Russian railroads, one cannot enter it without a ticket and a passport, the compartments are locked with the magnetic card so I am dumbfounded by this. Unless...
  2. Barciur

    Paris to Warsaw on a Russian Railroad Train! (Summer 2016)

    Yes, it was based in Roubles. I paid by debit card. The debit/credit card must have verified by Visa or MasterCard SecureCode feature on - otherwise it will be rejected. As long as that feature on your Visa/MasterCard is on, it will go through and charge you an international transaction fee...
  3. Barciur

    Paris to Warsaw on a Russian Railroad Train! (Summer 2016)

    They were very nice! Since the cars are from 2008, they were in very good working condition and they have a good matress on top of it. It was just a regular mattress that you'd find at decent hostels or cheaper beds in general. I didn't have any issues, in fact, it was one of the more...
  4. Barciur

    Paris to Warsaw on a Russian Railroad Train! (Summer 2016)

    Upon prompt arrrival in Warsaw East station, I had 10 minutes to change into the domestic train which happened to be on the other platform. So I was able to take the picture from inside the train of the Russian cars. It looks very impressive! The Polish train was just a short-distance...
  5. Barciur

    Paris to Warsaw on a Russian Railroad Train! (Summer 2016)

    Arriving in Berlin Hbf. in the early hours of the morning: The corridor in the sleeping car. On the left, the door of the compartment that opens outwards is visible. The door is a mirror inside, which is why there is a weird effect when it is open outside ;) Passenger information system...
  6. Barciur

    Paris to Warsaw on a Russian Railroad Train! (Summer 2016)

    After a few hours, I decided to visit the Dining Car. The dining car is operated by Polish Railroad because of the European Union laws: no prepared food, no meat and no cheese can enter the EU. So the Russians use their own dining car up until the border of Belarus and Poland, then, after gauge...
  7. Barciur

    Paris to Warsaw on a Russian Railroad Train! (Summer 2016)

    The reverse side of the magnetic card: The view from the train - a German IC boarding from Paris to Berlin I believe. Inside the compartment. The lower bunks have an additional layer which make it into a sofa, so that both people from that side can sit during the day time and not worry...
  8. Barciur

    Paris to Warsaw on a Russian Railroad Train! (Summer 2016)

    Hello all! I have a couple of trips to post on here all the way back from the summer. The master of procrastination that I am, I am only starting now in January. But hopefully I can get them here before next summer's trips ;) Anyway, on the occasion of the European Soccer Championship 2016 I...
  9. Barciur

    Travelled Moscow - Vladivostok?

    Yes. As you get off the train, you are on a platform underground. Escalators take you into passages of stores - cafes, bars, restaurants etc. There is also a large shopping mall adjacent to the station. Just check on one of the departures boards which platform you are getting back to so there is...
  10. Barciur

    Travelled Moscow - Vladivostok?

    Great. Glad that you got this figured out now! On a side note, this might be the last time to travel on the Warsaw - Kiev train, as there are talks of getting rid of those sleeper cars as early as June. So glad you're still getting into it - make sure you take some pictures ;) You will also...
  11. Barciur

    Travelled Moscow - Vladivostok?

    Right. I e-mailed PolRail out of curiousity and they quoted me for Kiev - Warsaw single ticket as the same as the official price + 16 PLN for shipping. BUt I did e-mail them in Polish, maybe there is a difference. As for DB and Polish difference, yes, differences are large - DB has different...
  12. Barciur

    Travelled Moscow - Vladivostok?

    Right, so this does not support electronic registration which is e-tickets. I tried booking a ticket for another day but I am not seeing any information about the possibility of buying e-tickets. But I did book trains inside Russia from the website and there should have been a box already ticked...
  13. Barciur

    Travelled Moscow - Vladivostok?

    Ok, can you tell me how are you doing this? The only option on the RZD website I see for Kiev to Moscow train is online buying of a ticket which will have to be picked up in RUSSIA, which would be impossible for you. If that is not hte case, let me know, but I want to make sure you're good on...
  14. Barciur

    Keystones not reserved during Thanksgiving?

    Thanks for the swift response, guys!
  15. Barciur

    Keystones not reserved during Thanksgiving?

    Hello, I was just looking at the Keystones around Thanksgiving time and they were usually reserved trains. This year, they are on the peak fares between Harrisburg and PHL, but they are showing up as unreserved. Will that change later or is this going to be different this year? If I buy now and...
  16. Barciur

    DB to withdraw all remaining sleeper trains

    I'm seeing something similar happening in Poland. Poland does not have a high-speed rail, but even then, just higher speeds are making night trains less favorable. For example, from my hometown, Lublin, there used to be a night-time train to Gdańsk (Danzig). It'd take 9 hours. However, since the...
  17. Barciur

    Trans Siberia, anyone travelled Moscow - Vladivostok?

    I will be certain to post a trip report! Right now it all depends on the plans of friends that may come and their financial abilities. I will definitely be travelling across from Poland into Russia, whetehr it's via Belarus, or via Ukraine, or both and seeing at least some of their railroad -...
  18. Barciur

    Trans Siberia, anyone travelled Moscow - Vladivostok?

    I never have but I will be travelling at least a portion of this distance this year - or, maybe all of it, who knows! All depends on circumstances ;)
  19. Barciur

    Another Silver Florida winter trip report!

    Thanks for the kind words. :) I stayed at Tropics hostel, which I enjoyed very much. It's very close to the beach and was a nice and clean place. Very friendly, too.
  20. Barciur

    Another Silver Florida winter trip report!

    Some views from the window going back: My seat-mate was a nice gentleman who was originally from Peru, grew up in Miami and lives in New York. He said he much prefers the cold of New York, but visits his parents about twice a year, usually for Christmas and in the summer. We did have some...