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  1. Barciur

    Another Silver Florida winter trip report!

    The train waiting at the station. And the Miami train station waiting room: One thing that stood out is once again, boarding is restricted and there is no self-boarding to a train just like that. I am so used to that from Europe and it always annoys me here, but you just accept the...
  2. Barciur

    Another Silver Florida winter trip report!

    I was the only person from that train to get on the city bus. It was a really ghetto bus that went through all of Hialeah, so it was a rather interesting experience. Nevertheless, it got me to where I needed to go, so all was well. I spent most of my time in Miami relaxing on the beach and...
  3. Barciur

    Another Silver Florida winter trip report!

    My first and really only attempt to get a picture of the train on the curve. Right around 11 I think the LSA (?) came over and told me he only has a 1 o'clock reservation for lunch. I obliged and at 1, just as we were pulling into Orlando (about 20 minutes late), I went for my lunch...
  4. Barciur

    Another Silver Florida winter trip report!

    I quickly went to the dining car and was told I had “just made it”, despite the fact it was 9:20. I am not sure when they would stop serving breakfast, but I was under the impression, from AMTRAK website, that it would be at 10 rather than 9:30. Nevertheless, I made it and was glad I did. I...
  5. Barciur

    Another Silver Florida winter trip report!

    One of the things that I miss very much about travel in America on regular trains is the ability to be in a dark compartment by myself and just watch the world go by at night. It is only possible in sleeping configurations here so I was very glad to be able to do this. Time went by pretty...
  6. Barciur

    Another Silver Florida winter trip report!

    30th street station Since my departure time was not until 4:59 and I got to 30th street station as 3PM, I went for some lunch. I had lunch at Mama's vegetarian relatively nearby, near Rittenhouse. I returned to 30th street at 4PM and went into the Acela lounge. I found that Acela lounge...
  7. Barciur

    Another Silver Florida winter trip report!

    As most of us in the northeast are busy with the clean up after the massive blizzard, it seems a very fitting moment to present this travel report from my round trip to Miami aboard Amtrak Silver Meteor. I am a European living in America and some of you may know some of my trip reports (which...
  8. Barciur

    Jan 2016 NEC/East Blizzard (was How does Amtrak handle snowstorms?)

    So my reservation got cancelled for tomorrow. I cannot do anything online, they are asking me to call about alternative transportation. I just want the voucher/refund. I cancelled my return trip, but cant do the cancelled one online. I tried calling but obviously they are very busy. WIll I...
  9. Barciur

    Jan 2016 NEC/East Blizzard (was How does Amtrak handle snowstorms?)

    660 for SUNDAY is showing as "SOLD OUT". Mentioned trains on Saturday are showing as cancelled. So I wonder what's up? I have a ticket for 660 for Sunday to PHL and I have yet to receive any communication.
  10. Barciur

    Jan 2016 NEC/East Blizzard (was How does Amtrak handle snowstorms?)

    I have a Sunday plan to get from Lancaster to PHL for a usual activity that i do in PHL and return in the afternoon. It's not a big deal if cancelled, but I'm curious to see if and how it runs. I imagine that if I get to Philly on Sunday, then I should definitely be able to get back as it's...
  11. Barciur

    Will you try for AGR status in 2016?

    I only made select once. My trips are $28 RT, so it used to be 200. Now it will be 56. Definitely no way of doing that. And I have 30k points, once I redeem my one trip I'll probably never accumulate enough for another one because virtually 99% of my trips are LNC-PHL with the $28 RT.
  12. Barciur

    First viewliner trip preparations

    I was reasoning in a similar way to you and just figured fair enough, that's how they have to do it. Nevertheless, the fact that I was not able to pick anything for lunch was a little bit surprising. This is a minor thing, I was not upset about it or anything, just a bit surprised and thought...
  13. Barciur

    First viewliner trip preparations

    Thanks once again for everything, I just came back in coach as I had only booked a roomette one way (I'm not quite that financially sound to afford such luxury both ways ;) ) Anyhow, full trip report will come in as I always do with my reports from Europe (some of you know them, I'm sure)...
  14. Barciur

    First viewliner trip preparations

    Thanks for this great information guys! Really appreciate it and cannot wait :)
  15. Barciur

    First viewliner trip preparations

    Hello all! I'm taking my first trip in a viewliner on the way down to Miami from PHL. I have a few questions as my only experience in a roomette thus far an overnight Superliner from PGH to CHI. 1. Can I ask the attendant to make up the upper bunk for me instead of the lower bunk? Is the upper...
  16. Barciur

    How many points for a combined ticket?

    Hello, I am sitting at 3700 TQP's right now and have two more short trips planned before the end of the year and one big one with a return after New Year's. So, I have a $350 ticket for LNC-MIA in a sleeper coming up. Any idea how many points I will get out of that? I am not sure on how this is...
  17. Barciur

    Lviv - Odessa - a journey on Ukrainian railways

    Yes, I will definitely share a trip report from Russia when i visit! I am planning on doing so in the summer next year. As for your plans - Sevastopol and Yalta are currently under Russian jurisdiction (de facto), it is not possible to enter without a Russian visa and via Ukraine. Furthermore...
  18. Barciur

    Lviv - Odessa - a journey on Ukrainian railways

    Thanks for the kind words first of all! Yes, I had no qualms at all about travelling in Western Ukraine and even in Odessa and in fact I was proven right - there was really no signs of any kind of conflict in Lviv whatsoever. The only reminders were a few billboards calling to help the troops...
  19. Barciur

    Amtrak Guest Rewards 2.0 Coming January 2016

    Am I calculating this correctly? My only regular trip is LNC-PHL. I hardly travel by AMTRAK elsewhere. It costs $28 round trip. So that's 200 points per trip. If I took that trip 20 times, that's 4000 points. Under the new system, this will net me 1120 points. Is that correct? Boy, now that's a...
  20. Barciur

    Amtrak Guest Rewards 2.0 Coming January 2016

    So my situation is that I've been trying to save up 40k points for a trip in 2 years time most likely from Lancaster to Chicago to San Francisco... I only earn about 7000 a year on average, I bought 5500 this year to help out. I am going to Miami before New Years for cash in a sleeper and...