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  1. Barciur

    Differences between European trains and Amtrak

    Being from Europe myself, very interesting thread! :) This depends where. It's all so different depending on the experience, really. For example, my home station is Lancaster and the boarding procedure is hardly any different than boarding procedure on a European train. Well, once again...
  2. Barciur

    Silver Star schedule change?

    If that is really the case (although are you sure it is a full hour earlier?), then it is most likely padding change. Schedules are padded heavily in order to maintain reasonable On-Time-Performance, given that the railroads are private and AMTRAK does not have control over when it can pass through.
  3. Barciur

    Revised fare receipt

    Well, I apologize! I couldn't delete my post, but I just found out the possible reason. I checked the eticket and the time of arrival changed from 6:55 to 6:39. I bet that's the reason. Anyway, probably answered my own question! No, I didn't pay with points. For some reason, receipts show...
  4. Barciur

    Revised fare receipt

    Hello I have a trip booked far in advance, paid for nearly 2 months ago and just received a new receipt for it.. was a little nervous, went into it and it doesn't seem like it changed at all - but it was revised. This is what the e-mail looks like: Image removed for privacy Any idea what...
  5. Barciur

    one zone coach class redemption vs ticket

    Hello all, I am planning a trip from Miami to Lancaster which costs $142 in coach. If I buy 5000+1000, I am paying $137.50. So it's nearly the same price, but now I can book the reward and freely change the date regardless of the buckets going up at any time. The only disadvantage would be is...
  6. Barciur

    Why So Heavy On The Horns at 4am - Jack London Square

    Depends on the country. I know it's similar in Germany, you don't hear as many horns. On the other hand, in Poland rules are very similar to those here. Now, the difference is that the horns are much quieter and they are not obligated to have this long of a sequence like they are here. For...
  7. Barciur

    Double Days are back (3/16/15-5/16/15)

    It's not really about the skill, but your location ;)
  8. Barciur

    Double Days are back (3/16/15-5/16/15)

    A bit off-topic, but I don't see "Chicago" as an option from Harrisburg. Are you sure it's megabus?
  9. Barciur

    Double Days are back (3/16/15-5/16/15)

    I just signed up myself. Also, no clue how "exclusive early registration" has any bearing on it - at the end of the day, we all get same points...
  10. Barciur

    Double Days are back (3/16/15-5/16/15)

    Yeah, it's awesome that they do this every year, 2 months each. It works out so well and makes me go out more. ;)
  11. Barciur

    NYP to Elizabethtown: Pennsylvanian or Keystone?

    I've never had that experience with Amfleet II's on the Pennsy, but I always board either in Philly or LNC - never in NYP. I always get on and just go to a car I feel like going to - but that might indeed be different WB from NYP.
  12. Barciur

    2/21 SB Silvers delayed

    Today Silver services 91 and 97 both left NYP with ~5 hour delays. The departures board in Philadelphia had a message saying "due to equipment issues." Curious that both of these were affected. Any idea what's up?
  13. Barciur

    arbitrary car closing

    Amfleets have automatic doors for high level platforms so that happens automatically. On stations with low level platforms, always an announcement is made that only exit where you see a member of the crew, as not all dors will open. I can probably see your point about criminal etc. Although...
  14. Barciur

    arbitrary car closing

    When I take the Keystones in the morning I always have a choice of 5 cars, even if there's not as many people there. I usually have the quiet car to myself. It's different though because it then fills up with people headed to New York and it's the morning. Nevertheless, I think you guys are...
  15. Barciur

    arbitrary car closing

    Both crew members, in fact, were directing people to one car and both of them manned the door in one car. Usually, the locomotive stops behind passed the platform to fit all cars at the platform, one conductor is stationed in first car and one in either the second to last or the last one. This...
  16. Barciur

    arbitrary car closing

    I've seen one car closed kn late night trains but never just one open. This was just one car open and FOUR CARS CLOSED. Hence my guessing. I was told by the crew "just closed sorry" and that was that. Didnt feel like making a big fuss over it with them. Look, it'd be one thing if one or two...
  17. Barciur

    arbitrary car closing

    Hey all I am on Keystone 620 right now and the train is hauling a full consist. However, the conductors just herded everyone into one car and are saying sorry just one car all others are closed. Now there is not as many people on the train but were forced to sit with a seatmate and no quiet...
  18. Barciur

    What do you do when traveling alone LD over 30 hours

    I, too, keep a journal. However, my journal is a notebook with a pen, rather than computer. And before you say I'm old, I'm only 21 ;) As for the GPS - good suggestion. Back in Poland I always really enjoy waking up and opening the window to stick my head out to see just exactly where am I by...
  19. Barciur

    sleeping in coach seats?

    Anybody has experience travelling with two people you are comfortable getting physically close to? I imagine this is a lot more comfortable than solo with a stranger seatmate, as you can make use of the two seats and somehow get comfortable together.
  20. Barciur

    The Invention of Jaywalking

    Yeah, fair enough - it takes nearly as long to fly to California from London as it does to fly to Europe, so it's a big country with different places. Here on the east coast though it's different. :)