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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. snvboy

    Youtube Video Explaining Amtrak's High Cost

    I also tuned out halfway through, as some of the comparisons with the airline industry were getting to be just too sloppy. Of course the airline loves paying flight attendants for one hour of labor on a flight from DC to NY. Does that mean Amtrak is paying for too much labor, or that the...
  2. snvboy

    can people in the next room hear us, well, you know?

    When going over the Rockies, would this technically qualify for Mile High Club?
  3. snvboy

    can people in the next room hear us, well, you know?

    Just time any exclamations of pleasure for when you see a "W" sign next to the track. Nobody will notice. TOOT TOOOOOOOOOOOT!
  4. snvboy

    Meal Questions, Plus Etc.

    Others more experienced than I can chime in, but I believe that the connection at Sacramento is "guaranteed", meaning that Amtrak will either hold the CZ for you there, or will bus you from an earlier stop on the CS to catchup with the CZ in Sacramento. This is why the reservation system books...
  5. snvboy

    My Amtrak Journey

    Well edited video! I like the speed-ramp to jump cut transitions near the end. Good choice of music, too. A definite inspiration to tackle the mountain of action-cam footage I have from a few trips.
  6. snvboy

    My Amtrak Journey

    Click the "V" in the bottom right of the player, or follow this link, for larger video:
  7. snvboy

    Train Jam CZ Feb 23

    LOTS of great photos and tweets this morning on their Twitter: Great reflection of the fun and energy of the group. Like I said before, I was just a random passenger in 2015 but the vibe of this group really made for a special trip on Amtrak. Also a good...
  8. snvboy

    bedroom reservation on Empire Builder

    Just keep in mind, since I'm not sure if it's clear in the previous posts: if you add a third person to your bedroom, that person no longer has a coach seat. Their "seat" is in the bedroom. That may work fine for a day trip, but it might be more cozy than you like at night. Also, I've never had...
  9. snvboy

    Train Jam CZ Feb 23

    Follow along on the Twitters!
  10. snvboy

    St. Paul Union Station (SPUD)

    It does feel a bit barren, and a bit unsettling when you arrive at 11pm. Absolutely beautiful, but maybe they need some Muzak or something. Was there in January and it was a lot nicer than when I was there last year and half the hall was piped-and-draped off for a private event.
  11. snvboy

    Geographic coordinate database Looks like you aren't the first.
  12. snvboy

    Michael Portillo and Amtrak

    It's a great place, though I'm biased having been raised there. Hill is an incredible person, and his mansion in St. Paul is worth a visit for train and history buffs. Best advice: don't go in the winter.
  13. snvboy

    Question about meal & sleep times on LD trains

    If you are traveling solo, you might consider the approach some others on this forum take. Sleep in the top bunk of the roomette, but leave the bottom configured for daytime seats. Since on Superliner trains there isn't a window for the top bunk, it should stay nice and dark during the day and...
  14. snvboy

    Advice sought for VIA Rail trip.

    Why backtrack from Winterpeg to Toronto?
  15. snvboy

    Paris to Warsaw on a Russian Railroad Train! (Summer 2016)

    Great trip report! Looking forward to reading about Kazakhstan by train.
  16. snvboy

    CONO getting chef back?

    I was on the EB a couple weeks ago and got to know a young man who is a pilot for a regional carrier based in Bethel, Alaska. His schedule is 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off. He has a crash pad in Bethel, and a suitcase. On his off weeks he literally travels the globe using his crew & jump seat...
  17. snvboy

    Silly question about train delays

    The schedule shows 4.5hr from Elko to SLC (and keep in mind the change in time zone so don't get confused). I doubt a late train can make up an hour of loss between those two stops. So, if it really does take you 3hr to drive from your home to SLC, I think the simple answer is to leave your...
  18. snvboy

    Amtrak beer run

    Beer Hound Brewery in Culpeper, VA is literally right next door to the Amtrak station. Support my friend and get your beer here!
  19. snvboy

    Waiting for conductor

    Ditto. On the Capitol Limited tonight, conductor never came by. I even diligently waited, wanting to go to the Cafe to get a soda. My 6pm dinner reservation came around (2 hours after leaving Washington), and no conductor. The LSA did come by to check on dinner reservations, which I had already...
  20. snvboy

    Adding Amtrak Reservation to Amtrak App possible?

    I've had success logging out of the app and logging back in. My 'missing' reservations popped right up when I logged back in.