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  1. L

    People will steal your stuff on amtrak right in front of you.

    I have had the opposite experience. When my purse with $200 cash, credit card and drvers license slipped off my shoulder between coach seat and wall on the eastbound Missouri River Runner departing Kansas City I detrained at Independence and left it behind. It travelled to Chicago, was turned...
  2. L

    Observation Car seat etiquette

    Camping out, stretching over more than one seat, and sleeping in the observation car/view/dome car is poor etiquette.
  3. L

    Happy Holidays - Union Station

    Kansas City Union Station has fantastic holiday decorations each year. If you passthru between Thanksgiving and NewYears, dont miss it
  4. L

    Amtrak : Best Kept Secrets

    Really? Passing hrough a few coach cars is that much of an incomvenience?
  5. L

    New Member Info Requested (re Santa Fe, NM)

    When I say Lamy is a beautiful station, I mean in a rustic way. True history.
  6. L

    New Member Info Requested (re Santa Fe, NM)

    Lamy is a beautiful historic station in what looks like the middle of nowhere. But, right over the hill is Interstate 25 and the shuttle van will take you quickly to Santa Fe. We need to keep using the Lamy station or they will close it down. Albuquerque may have cheaper rental cars but is...