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  1. NorthShore

    Greyhound sounding Chicago alarm

    CTA has just completed an 80 million dollar new L station. The estimate for purchasing and updating the current Greyhound intercity station is 40 million. What will it cost the city to acquire and build at another location new? The challenge is to see how a bus station is or can be an...
  2. NorthShore

    Greyhound sounding Chicago alarm

    I disagree with this assessment. And I think Megabus proved otherwise, at least for a little while. Customers of bus services can be people who are, simply, looking for an affordable option in travel. They might be trying to get places which aren't easily served by airlines. I have met...
  3. NorthShore

    Greyhound sounding Chicago alarm

    I view it like a family business getting passed down to the kids. One kid gets the business. The other gets the land and the building. The kid who gets the latter cashes in by selling off. The business has to move or close. Basically the same sort of situation here with the operations and...
  4. NorthShore

    Greyhound sounding Chicago alarm

    The Sun Times editorial
  5. NorthShore

    Greyhound sounding Chicago alarm

    Feet on the ground assessment is that this, simply, is not feasible in practice. Especially long term. For one, it underestimates the amount of bus service there is in Chicago, as a major hub. Secondly, there really isn't sufficient space for multiple intercity carriages inside the...
  6. NorthShore

    Greyhound sounding Chicago alarm

    A more detailed report, citing important local professor and advocate, Joe Schwieterman: Some key points: The city has suggested that they're committed to finding alternate accommodations for riders...
  7. NorthShore

    Greyhound sounding Chicago alarm

    Saying they are weeks away from losing the Chicago Hub terminal, with city officials still failing to identify any alternative options.
  8. NorthShore

    Chicago Union Station discussion

    So, an alternative idea, if you want to "watch the world pass by" is to sit at one of the Great outdoor plazas downtown. The newest is at the BMO Tower, easily accessible via the underground passage which starts at Union Station's South concourse. Or, you might choose Daley Plaza or Federal...
  9. NorthShore

    Chicago Union Station discussion

    The primary waiting area at Ogilvie would be the food court. It's adequate but not great. The area underneath the tracks about two blocks north, by the French Market, is somewhat nicer. It, really, just depends what you prefer and are comfortable with.
  10. NorthShore

    Getting from O'Hare to Union Station

    There is no direct walking connection between Chicago Union Station and any CTA L/Subway station. What you found was the underground connection between the bus transit center, across the street from Union Station and the Union Station south concourse. This path will also lead to a parking...
  11. NorthShore

    Getting from O'Hare to Union Station

    (Not picking on you; just responding to the general concern, often expressed.) I don't know why everyone always assumes that you need to take the L at Clinton. There is an elevator (assuming it's in service, on occasion it isn't) at Jackson. And buses a half block away on Adams to Union...
  12. NorthShore

    Getting from O'Hare to Union Station

    About 45 minutes, scheduled. Sometimes a little longer, in practice. Personally, I usually figure about 20 O'Hare to Jefferson Park. 25 to 30 Jefferson Park to downtown. Another 5 to 7 through the Loop. I've made Jefferson Park to Clinton in about 35.
  13. NorthShore

    Chicago METRA

    Others will chime in, also. But a couple of answers would include that announcements are typically made as to what cars will open doors at certain stations which can not accommodate the entire train. There aren't a ton of flag stops. And I think there is an assumption that you're not going to...
  14. NorthShore

    Chicago METRA

    I'm not entirely sure Metra understands their non rush ridership well. What you note about theater or concert goes is one important example. (As it's a significant amount of activity downtown and accounts for a LOT of riders.). Lyric Opera even changed their start times not too long ago to...
  15. NorthShore

    Chicago METRA

    Weekends, especially, certain commuter lines in Chicago should run about as late as they do in New York. There is, also, a need for later reverse commute trains, as several suburbs are entertainment centers. If the last inbound train leaves around 10 no one can get back to the city or other...
  16. NorthShore

    Getting from O'Hare to Union Station

    Perfect storm. Low ridership, due to office workers not headed downtown and people not going out for entertainment. Increased homeless living on trains due to less beds at shelters because of social distancing. Little policing. As such, during this time, some people just started taking...
  17. NorthShore

    Chicago METRA

    And it also needs to run after 12:30 A.M. The only way in and out of one of the most active areas of the city, which is a nexus of entertainment on the South Side, shouldn't have the 55th Street bus as the only route of access late night. 53rd, Hyde Park Boulevard, even Nichols Park were...
  18. NorthShore

    Getting from O'Hare to Union Station

    Ridership is WAY up (though, statistically, still struggling versus pre-pandemic) during most day parts on CTA and Blue Line, specifically. As such, I'd assess that most days/times service between O'Hare and downtown is pretty reliable again (Sundays are sometimes short staffed) and the smoking...
  19. NorthShore

    Chicago Union Station discussion

    Here's a walk through video which someone produced relatively recently:
  20. NorthShore

    Chicago METRA

    * Or this area once had, long ago As to frequent evening service, I think a lot of people (even transit planners) don't realize how many people actually "go out" at night and want to be able to get home easily. Alas, CTA cutbacks going back 20 years (and incrementally since) gutted a lot...