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  1. AFS1970

    Another Recent Short NEC Trip (Stamford to Boston)

    After starting my last post, I decided to split these two trips as different posts to keep the length better and easier to read. So, this was an even shorter trip but one purely for pleasure, not for work. Again, it was a pleasant trip and has kind of increased my wife's opinion of train...
  2. AFS1970

    Recent Short Trip on NEC (Stamford to Portland)

    I recently took two short NEC trips, a couple of weeks apart, both were pleasant and kind of renewed my opinion of train travel, not that it needed it. Trip #1 was Stamford, CT to Portland, ME for a work conference. My original plan was to take the train all the way, but the Downeaster...
  3. AFS1970

    Fight on the NEC

    Not sure of the details, got this from a news feed full of scanner listeners, but about an hour ago New London, CT police were responding to meet an inbound Amtrak train due to a physical fight on board. No word on which train number or direction or if Amtrak PD was on the way from New Haven...
  4. AFS1970

    Odd news or is it propaganda?

    So my newsfeed online has learned that I read stories on trains. In the last month or so I have found that this is showing me a lot more negative articles. Not just about specific incidents but what amount to little more than blog posts about the evils of Amtrak. One today was asking if it was...
  5. AFS1970

    Yet another Intro thread

    Hello all. I hope to be a more frequent poster, and for that matter a more frequent rider. Mostly ride in the NEC, but have done the west coast once. I hope to go across the country in the future.