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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. 5

    Questions about the Lincoln - Denver, Denver - Lincoln run

    On the CZ, I believe there are crew changes in Denver, Lincoln, and Ottumwa on the way to Chicago. The toughest one, I would think, would be the stretch from Denver to Lincoln (and back). It's late at night, it's really desolate, and it's a bumpy ride. I rode it earlier this week. It was...
  2. 5

    Eastbound Grade Question - CZ Through Rockies

    Climbing out of Denver it's easy to see and feel the steep climb into the foothills. But leaving Glenwood Springs and heading to Denver it's a different story. It's not nearly as dramatic. It seems that it's a more gradual climb. Does anyone know where the steepest EB grade is on that route...
  3. 5

    The Glenwood Springs, CO trip to Denver is now slower!

    I used to book a sleeper for the Denver-Glenwood Spring trip and always thought it was really slow. The train used to leave GSC at around 12:20 PM and roll into Denver by around 5:45 or so. Now it leaves there at 11:42 AM and arrives at 6:27 PM, roughly 6 hours and 45 minutes. Wow. You can...
  4. 5

    Same day Sleeper booking?

    I was thinking about going from Denver to Chicago. The last time the train was 4 hours late in arriving in Denver. I'm thinking about taking a chance and checking the schedule on a particular day and going that night if it's on time. Does that seem doable?
  5. 5

    Sleeper accommodation discussion

    I have booked a trip through the Rockies and have room 4 going and 7 for the trip back. They are on opposite sides. Here's my question, and I hope it makes sense: Will I sit on one side of the train on the way out and another on the way back? In other words, do they turn the cars around at...
  6. 5

    The awful experience of being on hold with Amtrak

    They take it to a new level of suckage. Call them at 800-872-7245 and you'll be greeted with their silly and long-winded Covid announcements. Then, be prepared to wait. How long? No way to tell because there is no hold queue announcements. You'll get stuck with stale music and the endless...
  7. 5

    Awful Trip on The Zephyr

    I thought I'd take a friend of mine from Denver to Glenwood Springs, CO. It's 190 miles. I booked a trip to and from this past Tuesday and Wednesday, and it was $800 roundtrip for a roomette. The train was late in leaving Denver and had mechanical problems. We arrived two hours late. Average...
  8. 5

    Rockies climb throttle position question

    When I ride the Zephyr out of Denver and into the Rockies it's easy to see that it's a steep grade. Anyone know if they are running the power in the 8th notch for the climb?
  9. 5

    Site won't let me pay

    Very frustrating. I have booked a $500 trip and am trying to pay. On the payment page I have entered everything correctly and have checked the terms and conditions box. When I click on "purchase" nothing happens. I have tried two browsers, I have cleared the caches, etc., nothing works. Looks...