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  1. Bonser

    Empire Builder

    The westbound EB is cancelled past Shelby MT due to "impending" weather conditions. The two #7 EBs already out are affected. I don't know about the the EB departing today from Seattle and the other eastbound is already east of Shelby.
  2. Bonser

    Getting to New York Penn Station

    Can I walk with luggage from waiting room at Penn Sta to Moynihan sta without using any stairs?
  3. Bonser

    Multi-city versus one way

    I modified my ticket for a NYP-SEA trip and I discovered that the new ticket says multi-city while the old one said NY-Sea. Will my connection in Chicago still be guaranteed? And willI be able to check bags in NYP through to Seattle? Should I call back Amtrak? Thank for any advice
  4. Bonser

    Maple Leaf border check

    At the border check for the Maple Leaf do passengers have to bring all their luggage out with them for the CBP inspection? Sorry if this was covered before. We'll be traveling with two carry ons and two full size luggage.
  5. Bonser

    Vancouver,BC - Seattle

    I see that there are only two trains daily connecting Vancouver,BC and Seattle. Buses add to that at better departure times for me. Are there any rumblings about added train service?
  6. Bonser

    Amtrak delays

    What's going on with the Zephyr this past week? It's been coming into Chicago in the wee am hours and yesterday's westbound #5 is arriving Emeryville today at 10:46. That's the ETA. Today's WB is already over 6 hours late and counting.
  7. Bonser

    Reservation confirmation

    How can I confirm an existing reservation online? I'm sorry if this has been discussed before and I missed it. All this talk of last minute cancellations has made me nervous.
  8. Bonser

    Train performance history

    Since the Rail Passengers modified the train status info board I can't seem to find a train's past performance history. Is it still there? If so, how do I access it? It's always been useful info to know what to expect and I generally check a train's daily performance for the past year.
  9. Bonser

    Zephyr cancellations on Amtrak app on 4/13

    I'm booked on the Zephyr from Chicago on April 13. While checking the schedule on the Amtrak app I see they red dotted the train, i.e., saying it's cancelled. I immediately went to see if one can still book it for that date and one could. Is this just another Amtrak app screw up?
  10. Bonser

    # 5 and #6 service disruption

    I see that a disabled freight train has caused yet another service disruption between SLC and Elko today. This has become something of a regular occurance for the Zephyr. Is there something wrong with the track there or is it just unpredictable and unfortunate?
  11. Bonser

    Combining AGR points

    Can my wife and I combine our AGR points to use on a mutual Amtrak trip? We're taking the CZ and LSL back from San Francisco to New York or Newark in June.
  12. Bonser

    CZ 2/13

    What's going on with the Zephyr in Nevada now? It's 13 hrs late at Winnemucca.
  13. Bonser

    Superliner Bedroom C?

    What's the deal with Bedroom C on the CZ and bedroom B on the LSL? I just booked tix to San Francisco from NYP and have never had these rooms. On other trips it was always Bedroom D or E (my fav). I'd appreciate any thoughts. Thanks.
  14. Bonser

    Trying to book Tucson to Seattle

    Why can't I book a train from Tucson to Seattle online? Site keeps saying no trains are available even though I'm booking on a day the SSL runs. There is an over 4 hour layover in LA - more than enough time to catch the 10:10 Coast Starlight. Anyone have any ideas on this?
  15. Bonser

    Amtrak booking and connections

    Why isn't Amtrak showing connection points and times when booking anymore? I just checked NY-SF via the LS. and CF and it showed I had two connections but didn't show where or when in Chicago. I know the where and when there but shouldn't it be clearly stated when booking?
  16. Bonser

    Amtrak website

    Why does one have to scroll down on the first page of Amtrak's website to book a train? Seems I have to view various promotions before I can actually book. I've been offline for a couple of months so this may have been discussed already. Thanks in advance.
  17. Bonser


    On the new website I cannot find the national schedule list anymore. It immediately asks for a specific trip.
  18. Bonser

    Amtrak app

    I have yet another problem after being off line. My iPhone 5C will not update the Amtrak app. I tried to delete and reinstall but evidently the 5C is too old a version. That's fine but I can't even use the older Amtrak app version. I know the phone is ancient - all of 5 years old!!!!! - but is...
  19. Bonser

    Amtrak booking website/issues/timetables removed

    I've been away from the Amtrak site for a few months. Now I see that it's changed their booking format. It seems that on a multiple train trip you can't see departure and arrival times for individual segments while booking. Am I doing something wrong? I like to know how much wiggle room there is...
  20. Bonser

    Zephyr #1106

    Does anyone know what the eastbound Zephyr is numbered 1106? It's currently outside of SLC. All of its ETA's are listed as unknown, though its been running pretty mch on time.