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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. M

    DC Union Station Lower Level Food Court Mystery Area

    Can someone explain what/where/how to get to the lower level circled in red at the Food Court level? I am only there once a year mostly and did not walk around the food court that much last visit last summer. But I did take some time to walk around all three levels, or so I thought. But I...
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    Amtrak Ridership Numbers 1971 to Present By State and Station

    I was going to make a spreadsheet just for NC stations and their ridership numbers but I found a site that had ridership numbers for every almost every station from 2005 to 2022. What I can't seem to find, and that is not surprising is ridership numbers for stations before 2005. A website in...
  3. M

    Status of railroad employees

    I just read that Brightline employees in Florida on board service were looking to join the Transport Workers Union (TWU). Good to see this development
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    Attire on the train?

    How many of you dress up for a vacation train ride. Riding 2 hours to visit family on the Piedmont and its a shirt and jeans for me. For some reason since my Crescent rides usually mean "vacation" (family lives on the Piedmont and Carolinian routes.) and that seems more special. I like...
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    AGR Website

    I have not been able to log in on my phone for days and after trying on a computer without success I was finally sent an error message about system troubles. Anyone else having trouble with the AGR website?
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    Combining points and cash

    Mix points and cash is here it seems.
  7. M

    US Open Special

    NC By Train is having a special Raleigh to Pinehurst, NC Amtrak special for the US Open golf tournament on 13-16 June, 2024. PIH is the station code for Pinehurst. 1171 and 1172 are the train numbers names the Open Express. $25 coach only seats. A bit over 2 hours. I did the math and it is...
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    Physical AGR Card

    My physical AGR card is showing signs of age so I asked about a replacement and was told they do not issue cards anymore. I am not surprised by this. I have never needed more than the number on the card and that can be issued via email. So this raises the question, was there every a time there...
  9. M

    Length of train and sleeper car numbers

    I had a chance to grab a video of the Crescent 20 at the platform this morning. Two engines, 3 coach class cars, cafe, sleeper 2010, then sleeper 2011 then bag dorm 2012. Car 2012 would imply 12 cars on the train, including the engines in the count. Amtrak is jumping from car 7 to car 10 now...
  10. M

    Greensboro Depot

    Downtown Greensboro gave a presentation earlier in the month and I found it on the web. Starting on slide 34 and going through slide 79 are the slides about the Depot. I would love to see some food options at the station. But I also have some serious concerns about some of the ideas as...
  11. M

    Greensboro security changes

    There was a person at the station Thursday that clearly had mental issues and likely homeless. Packing heat from security is not going to help this person, but having her walking around the Amtrak waiting room is also not what she needs either. Public places are hard with with how we handle...
  12. M

    Carbon footprint for various modes of transport

    I want to have a lesson for my Earth/Environmental classes that looks at transit and the carbon footprint of the choices we make. I was thinking of having the students plan a trip within the US and see what can be done without a personal automobile. As much as I would like to stay in the...
  13. M

    Original railroads of current routes

    Is there any easy reference to find the original railroads that current Amtrak routes use? Should I just ask here. Crescent uses the Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line from Atlanta to Charlotte then the NCRR from Charlotte to Greensboro and north of Greensboro to Danville the Piedmont Railroad was...
  14. M

    Smart Phone App Future trips

    What is the max number of future trips can be posted on the Amtrak phone app? I have 11 segments on my phone at present, which is an all-time personal high. I am sure that is small potatoes compared to some, but I am excited. If someone took Amtrak everyday for a job that could be 600 or...
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    N.C Transit Options from N.C. Amtrak Stations-A self compiled booklet

    I recently compiled the following to use as I am NC Train Hosting. Generally most everyone is going to know their options when arriving at the Amtrak station for deboarding. But I have this reference now and sometimes the conversation is for others that might ride Amtrak and not for the people...
  16. M

    Interesting facts and notes in old railroad magazines

    I am going through old Trains magazines starting with issue 1 that is dated November 1940. I am clearly not reading every word but I am skimming the issues in PDF format and finding interesting facts and figures and such. I spend about 10 minutes on each issue. March 1941 has a great article...
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    Lynchburg, VA

    Just south of the Lynchburg station there is either a short tunnel or the tracks go through an underpass with a car road on top. Which is it? Tunnel or underpass.
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    Phone Support Hold time

    My wife picked up the CC with the 30,000 points last fall. We could not get into her AGR account to check points so I called in November and realized the email tied to the AGR was from 20+ years ago which has not been used in about that long of a time. I thought we had this taken care on in...
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    Historical Amtrak equipment and travel experiences

    I assume Amtrak used Southern equipment, including the SR livery when Amtrak took over the Crescent in 1979. What was the timeline for painting into Amtrak livery with the old equipment or was it just never repainted? What was the timeline of moving from one set of equipment to another...
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    STB and Passenger Rail

    I was in a discussion about the Asheville-Salisbury route and the other person seems to think anything not going directly to Charlotte is a waste of money and they don't mean heading on to Charlotte after Salisbury but using the CSX line through Shelby or the L and O through Mooresville or some...