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  1. T

    A short trip report, on a short trip - Capitol Corridor SJC to ARN

    As New Years wound down, I realized I had very little work to do on the 2nd, and what little I did have could all easily be done from my laptop. I've been wanting to try another Amtrak route, so made plans to ride the length of the Capitol Corridor yesterday (I'm preparing this early morning on...
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    Recent Alaska Railroad trip (Northbound, Achorage to Fairbanks)

    First, I'll begin with two quick apologies: 1) If I've put this in the wrong subforum, and mods wish to move, certainly no offense taken 2) I tend to be "of the moment", so my photographs are nothing special, but I've tried to include some of the more interesting ones nonetheless This past...
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    Sleeper cleanliness observations

    Boarded #8 just a bit ago, from SEA. Have a bedroom booked to myself. First, I *don't* intend this as a complaint thread. The room is comfortable, the train left on time, the sleeper attendant is excellent, and I'm looking forward to dinner shortly. There's been a lot of discussion in here...
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    Jose Cuervo Tequila Train - Guadalajara, Mexico

    Just returned from doing a Saturday trip on the "Tequila Train", in Guadalajara, Mexico, run by Jose Cuervo. (Official site here: Travel in a Real Train with Jose Cuervo Express | Mundo Cuervo) It's a day excursion which includes about 2.5 hours on the train, followed by spending the day in the...
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    Jose Cuervo Tequila Train (Guadalajara/Jalisco, Mexico)

    Aside from some passing mentions, I haven't seen any discussion of this tourist line come up here. Has anyone tried out the "Tequila Train" between Guadalajara and Jalisco? It's a short trip - you can do either train out and bus return, or bus out and train return, with the day focused on...
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    Heartland Flyer discussion

    I'm sure this ground has already been covered, but I'm not having much luck with search. In a few days, I've got a work trip to OKC, followed by an extra day where I don't need to get home urgently. Rather than flying home from OKC, I'm taking the Heartland Flyer down to FTW, and flying home...
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    Surfliner - Swapping upper and lower level seats

    First, apologies if there's been a thread on this before - seems like I've seen one, but searching came up dry. Once in a while, when I ride the Surfliner, I'll take my mom along. The times she's been, she's had a great time. But, she's also on the older side, and has knee issues which are...
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    Historical rail travel in US and Mexico question

    I'm not 100% sure this is the right subforum for this question - so if a moderator wishes to move, certainly no offense taken. I was doing bored late night Wikipedia browsing last night, which led to the article on Werner Doehner, the last survivor of the Hindenburg disaster. He was a child...
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    Former Amtrak employee convicted of wire fraud

    I browsed around a bit to see if there was a thread from back in 2019, when the story and case originated, but didn't find one. If I missed it, admins please combine. Here's the story: In summary, back in 2019, a...
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    How long to receive gift card ordered with AGR points?

    9 (calendar) days ago I ordered a couple gift cards, via my AGR account, paid with AGR points. (Gift cards were to an outside retailer) It says/said that delivery (electronic) should happen in 3-7 days, though I haven't received them yet. I'm not terribly concerned, cause a) the holidays and...
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    Advice for planning an Empire Builder trip

    I'm looking at planning a trip on the Empire Builder in a few months. I'll be going in a sleeper, almost certainly a Roomette, but I'll try my luck at a bidup to a bedroom, and see if I get lucky. I've never taken the EB before - though I have done the length of the Coast Starlight, as well as...
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    "Golden Spike" award for excellent on board staff?

    Sunday (8/21) I took a day trip on the CZ, riding in a sleeper from SLC to DEN. Early on in the trip, they made an announcement along the lines of "We hope to see you all in our dining car for lunch today. We've got a great crew on board reading to serve you, including /name/, who won the...
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    Leaving items at seat when going to Cafe or Restroom?

    I'm thinking in terms of the Pacific Surfliner, but there are certainly other routes where this would apply. I take several short-ish trips on the Surfliner each month, in Biz. I pretty much always have a small hand carried bag, and almost immediately have my laptop out when I sit down. Most...
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    Cessna crashes onto tracks; struck by Metrolink train

    Happened in Pacoima, near Los Angeles. Cessna crashed onto Metrolink tracks. Pilot injured, but removed from acft moments before train strike. News Article: Bodycam:
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    Nice Amtrak Christmas

    Lacking anything particular interesting to do today, I decided to do a little round trip Coast Starlight Christmas trip. Left from the LA area on 14, got into SLO right on time. Enjoyed a few minutes of fresh air before boarding 11 to head home, and will be heading to the diner in just a few...
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    Website shows trains "negative" full

    If this is a known glitch, and I've just never noticed it before, my apologies. Any idea what's happening in the screencapture attached? Played around with a couple trains on that route today and tomorrow, and they're showing negative full percentages.
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    Snack/Drink Service Protocol (Surfliner)

    I take the Surfliner RT a few times a month between the LA area and Santa Barbara. My impression is that in Biz, shortly after boarding, the car attendant will come around and offer a snack/snackbox and drink. That seems to be the way it is the majority of the time, at least. Every once in a...
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    Lots of login issues lately?

    Referring to the Amtrak site, not this one. The past few days it seems like I've had tons of issues logging into the Amtrak site, across two machines (all problems on desktop, not mobile). I have 2FA turned on, but both machines are "trusted" and normally won't ask for 2FA. The trouble is...
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    Dining Car on Christmas Day (Coast Starlight)

    I'm considering a trip on the Coast Starlight over most of Christmas Day. I know, of course, not to expect anything extra or special - but does anyone know if the dining car will be open and serving the usual menu? Thanks.
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    How long for Referral Bonus points to post?

    Over the past months, I've sent the "refer a friend" link to a couple people I know, and a few have subsequenty enrolled, purchased tickets, and travelled. One was about 2 weeks ago, another 2 days ago. However, I haven't received the referral bonus. Any idea how long it typically takes to...