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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. N

    Amtrak's Future

    A proposed happy hour, on the Zephyr, from Chicago to Galesburg. How about a 2nd happy hour from Glenwood Springs to Grand Junction. On the eastbound train, possibly Reno to Winnemucca and Winter Park to Denver.
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    Grand Central Sanderson Station

    Sanderson, Texas heads the list of the 10 loneliest Amtrak stations, based on passenger traffic. I thought Browning, Montana would have a lower passenger count. I used to live in Browning, and took the Empire Builder out of Browning several times. It is a seasonal...
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    Trip Report to Whitefish, Montana

    I just returned from a trip, on the Empire Builder, to Whitefish, Montana. It was my 3rd trip to Whitefish so far. I took an Alaska Airline flight from Santa Rosa, CA to Portland, OR. Then Empire Builder #27 to Whitefish. The Metropolitan Lounge at the Portland Amtrak station. You can board...
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    Amtrak Timetables

    Of all the questionable Amtrak decisions, in the past, I think that the most idiotic one has been Amtrak's inability to understand the value of timetables. I still have a 2015 hard copy of national Amtrak timetables and it has sort of become a bible. Of course, not up to date, but it still...
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    Trip on the Trans-Siberian Railway

    Here is an interesting account of a passenger who rode the Russian Trans-Siberian Railway, from Moscow to the Russian east coast, a 2 thousand mile trip. The train went through 4 time zones. Russian no...
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    Should more small town & rural stations be built for Amtrak?

    I was thinking about one big advantage of Amtrak or the passenger train, over commercial airline flights, is that you can board and detrain in small or rural cities and towns. With all the hassle and inconvenience of big city airports, the TSA quagmire, parking, and growing safety concerns...
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    Discussion of expansion of service in Western States

    A couple of interesting maps and discussion: Although just a pipe dream, it seems, I found the 2nd map ("geographic coverage") intriguing.
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    Freight trains blocking roads

    How long can a freight train (or any train) block a road? It depends upon which state you're in:
  9. N

    Video on "Why Trains Suck in America"

    This presentation is 6 years old, and I'm sure the subjects discussed are well known to forum members. However, I think, the video is interesting and does cover a lot of the problems with Amtrak. I wished they also discussed issues with the onboard Amtrak experience. A...
  10. N

    Empire Builder service disruption

    As of this morning, I should have been in Whitefish, Montana, coming in on the Empire Builder from Portland. However, I'm at my home here in Santa Rosa. I started out in Martinez, Calif. on the Coast Starlight on Sunday evening. The train was 2 hours late into Martinez. I had a bedroom...
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    Northern Lights Express

    Things seem to be progressing regarding the "Northern Lights Express" passenger train, Duluth to the Twin Cities. Minnesota would pay 20% of the cost. The train would run 4 times a day, round trip. Amtrak says it would be interested in taking on the route. I believe...
  12. N

    VIA train schedules

    Can anyone tell me how to find VIA train schedules, after going to the VIA website? I can't believe it's so difficult. I am trying to get a schedule for the Canadian, Toronto to Vancouver. Also I would like to know if the Canadian runs twice a week or three times a week. Thanks.
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    Proposed Calgary to Banff passenger train

    I hope the possibility of a Banff to Calgary passenger train will eventually become a reality: Any chance the VIA Canadian could split at leg to Edmonton and the other to Calgary?
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    Poor handling of Customer dispute by Amtrak

    Stories like this tends to make me very reluctant to recommend Amtrak to anyone. I agree they wern't entitled to a refund. However, I think Amtrak management should have given them a partial refund if they had any concern about customer relations and customer...
  15. N

    Unconventional festivals by train travel

    There are a lot of offbeat or unconventional festivals, around the country, that I would like to attend. Some are near Amtrak stations or depots while others would require a rental car and possibly 2-4 hours of driving. Duct Tape Festival, Avon Ohio. Not far from Cleveland...
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    LGB Model Trains

    My sister has an old LGB guage train set, which she hauls out, every Christmas, to place around the Christmas tree. Her train is in need of repair and she has had trouble locating a model train shop that repairs LGB's. Her train still doesn't run. I've also been thinking about an LGB train...
  17. N

    Fiscal Report - 2019 vs 2022 I wonder if we will keep hearing that long distance Amtrak trains are a big money loser. From the article: "revenue on the long-distance network in 2022 was up by $113 million, or 23%, over 2019, the last “normal,” or pre-pandemic year. In contrast, both Northeast...
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    Oregon small towns

    Here is a link to some of the interesting and historic small towns in Oregon: I've been to Sisters (back in July) and Cottage Grove. I've never been to Brownsville, Jacksonville, or Shaniko. Has anyone? I have always wanted to see Jacksonville. One of these days, I...
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    Amtrak Cascades expansion to new corridors

    I'm glad to hear more talk of an west to east expansion of the Amtrak Cascades in Washington. "Expansion of Amtrak type service from Seattle to Spokane via Yakima and the Tri-Cities is projected to perform competitively with other intercity passenger rail corridors even...
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    Dinner Trains around the US

    I wonder what suggestions you could give for dinner train excursions trains around the country. As part of the PBS "Trains Around North America" they showed a number of what appeared to be excellent dinner trains. I remember the "Conway Scenic Railroad" which showed a really nice dining car...