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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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    Are passenger trains entering a golden age or reaching the end of the line? Nothing we don’t already know unfortunately.
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    Tren Maya Sleepers and Diners?

    When and where will they be deployed? Doesn’t seem like the route structure is that big? Supposedly cars are on property but mum seems to be the word? Website has great descriptions but no real info…
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    Possible better ways of managing procurement of equipment for Amtrak

    I’m just curious and this is an honest question without trying to start a ruckus. How many people at this point really think management will (and wants to) place a long distance order? Now unfortunately we have the variable of next week’s election coming into play too. I think evrything will be...
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    NEC riders complaints are similar to LD riders It’s all low hanging fruit that continues to be dismissed by management. The fares however seem to be getting more egregious by the week system wide. It’s only a matter of time before Congress micromanages that...
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    Novice unbiased trip report on Crescent Fun read
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    Gardner's statement on House budget proposal Guts rail infrastructure programs, including a 64 percent reduction to Amtrak...
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    Steel Rails Newsletter

    This is good!
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    Caltrain in serious trouble peak trains ridership down 93 percent with no uptick in sight.
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    Recent Beech Grove Tour

    Its like a ghost town not one worker seen at all. Granted some people are probably inside but seeing no one at all just seems weird. He makes a comment in the video that it’s less busy than this time last year fwiw.
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    Amtrak Appropriation for FY23

    This might not be the best place to post this but I think it’s very relevant to dining/lounges/food service enhancements. After digging through last months FY23 omnibus the network trains took a substantial haircut in operating funding compared to FY22. (NEC received 50 percent increase in...
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    Amtrak's struggles $618 RT in COACH NY to BOS, ouch!
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    RPA meeting with Mr. Larry Chestler of Amtrak on 11/15/22

    I just watched the last 20 mins of it. Did anyone watch the whole thing? A lot of hem and hawing from Chester toward the end. Couldn’t answer when coach passengers would be allowed to eat in diner, etc. He said they would do their best to answer members questions when Matthews asked if he could...
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    Letter from possible soon to be GOP chairs in House to Coscia
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    Article in December '22 Trains issue on Amtrak management

    I just read the digital copy, I can’t cut and paste any of it unfortunately. 6 page in-depth article. With some bombshell nuggets from sources within Amtrak. To paraphrase a few takes, “Amtrak management bonuses are/were based off of raising NEC revenue and reducing expenses everywhere else.“...
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    The Aurora Group - a new rail advocacy group Got this email today from a new Chairperson of RPA. The interesting point for me was her “shoutout” to George Chilson. No mention that he’s severing ties with RPA to start his own rail passenger advocacy...
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    Amtrak Board Nominees 2022-23

    Article is about STB Primus but the BOD nominees will be in same hearing. Here’s hoping there’s Senate pushback especially to Coscia.
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    End of Summer Amtrak article

    This touches on a lot of relevant issues.
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    Sunset Limited trains canceled 8/10 and 8/12

    Today out of NOL, FRI out of LAX. Apparently this entire consist has no working restrooms, As per other sites. Hits a 3/week train even worse then the others. Is any actual maintenance being done? Rhetorical question, but I think we honestly are seeing Amtrak at it’s rock bottom in 52 years.
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    Saluki 8/7/22 Superliner sleepers as Axle counts

    Two sleepers reported on other board with photos. What a waste of equipment during peak summer. Unless it’s for a shakedown ride prior to return to service I don’t know how it’s justified. Let’s hope it’s equipment soon to be in revenue service.
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    Former NARP Chair George Chilson sounds alarm

    From Beech Groove community paper only pdf available