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  1. J

    Ethan Allen Car Order

    Good evening, trying to determine which way the Ethan Allen is made up. Does it get wyed in Burlington? I know for sure that the train changes direction in Rutland and is NOT wyed. If it’s also not wyed in Burlington, that would mean no way to tell if the cafe is in front or back. Is the cafe...
  2. J

    Does Amtrak overbook?

    There was a post for this many years ago, but I was wondering if anyone has recent experience with Amtrak overbooking, specifically in coach. What about the 1/2 BC cars used on Midwest, Empire, Downeaster, etc?. I am taking a trip next weekend (Columbus Day) and am boarding “up the line” and...
  3. J

    Berkshire Flyer question

    Good Evening, I am planning a trip from Pittsfield to NYP on the Flyer. What is the service pattern on this? Is the train pulled backwards to Albany and then reverses direction? I assume then that BC is backwards until Albany? Are two locomotives carried the entire run, or are they...
  4. J

    Sightseer Lounge etiquette

    Hey all, I just got back from a week long Amtrak trip. By and large, Amtrak performed excellent and I had a wonderful time, but I wanted to ask everyone’s thoughts and opinions on lounge etiquette, specifically 3 categories: Café Hours: Would it be asking too much to simply post the...
  5. J

    Acela Trip Report

    My trip from Newark to Boston on Acela 2250 on 2/10 reminds me how wonderful train travel can be when Amtrak gets it right. The trick, of course, is to get it right more frequently! For starters, Newark Penn Station is one of my favorite places to board and watch trains. Even on a Saturday...
  6. J

    Questions about Train 11 (Coast Starlight) to Train 2 (Sunset Limited) connection

    Hello, I have some questions regarding the SB Starlight to EB Sunset connection at LAX: 1. lets you book this as a connection, so I assume it is guaranteed. Is this a reliable connection? Does Amtrak have a contingency plan for passengers if the Starlight is late, such as a bus...
  7. J

    Typical Canadian consist in mid-April?

    Hey there, I am taking the Canadian next week, leaving Wednesday April 12! Does anyone know what the typical consist is, now that we are heading into the Spring season? How many domes will there be? Is there a Skyline "activity" car added at this time, or is there still the coach dome and Park...
  8. J

    Viewliner Baggage Dorm Room numbers

    Hello, does anyone know what sides the even and odd rooms are in the Viewliner Baggage Dorm? In other words, if the baggage/dorm car is on the rear (as I believe it has been on The Cardinal), with the baggage area trailing, on what side are the even numbered rooms?
  9. J

    Acela Business Class Seat Assignments

    Hi, It's been a while since I've been on this, and please direct me to the correct thread if this has already been covered. With regards to Acela BUSINESS class seat assignments, can I be assured that when the seating diagram points to the "direction of travel" that it is really the direction of...
  10. J

    NYC Club Acela closing for renovations?

    I saw this on the Trains news wire today, but it doesn't state when it will close. Anyone know when? I am feeling a bit guilty as I sold my father on splurging on Acela first class in 3 weeks, in part because he could use the Club Acelas on both ends. I just read the Boston club is closed for...
  11. J

    Dinner served on 50?

    Is dinner still served on train 50 since it has been terminating in DC? I am traveling in a sleeper this Sunday.
  12. J

    Meals on 10AM Acelas

    Does anyone know what meal is served on Acelas departing at 10AM; specifically the 10:03 NY to Boston? Is breakfast served immediately upon departure, or can you wait for or order lunch? I would prefer lunch but I'm sure only certain meals are loaded.
  13. J

    Sightseer lounge on Capitol?

    This may be posted somewhere else but what is the schedule for the sightseer on the Capitol? The timetable states it is available seasonally... I'm thinking of taking a February trip that may hinge on this. Also, I am correct in that the Boston sleepers have been restored to the Lake Short, right?
  14. J

    Need imput on New York-Cleveland Circle Trip

    I am considering taking a NYP- Cleveland circle trip in a month. I have two possibilities in my mind and would like input. My return from Cleveland-NYP (Croton Harmon actually) will definitely be the Lake Shore in a roomette. Getting there I am considering either: 1. NYP-WAS-CLE (coach) 2...
  15. J

    NEC Schedules need tweaking

    We all know Amtrak has funding issues, but the sad fact is Amtrak is not using the resources it has for optimum scheduling, even in its pride and joy, the Northeast Corridor. Consider these examples: 1. Philadelphia- New York on a weekday morning. Considering the still normal time to start a...
  16. J

    Night Owl on the Inland Route?

    I was killing time on Wikipedia and came across the article for the Night Owl. In it, it states that a section of the Night Owl operated on the New Haven-Springfield-Boston Inland Route from April to October of 1992. I have not heard this mentioned in any other Amtrak history source that I have...
  17. J

    Asked for Amtrak gift card, got one for Amtrak Vacations

    This is a real long shot, but does anyone know if I can purchase Amtrak tickets through Amtrak Vacations, or is there any other loophole that can be used? I asked for an Amtrak gift card for Christmas from my In-Laws, and instead got an Amtrak Vacations card. If I understand correctly, they are...
  18. J

    Fred Frailey on the CZ diner from hell

    Has anyone caught Fred Frailey's recent blog on (this is free viewing for anyone)? In it he describes his last trip on the California Zephyr where the dining car LSA waited until the entire diner was completely full before anyone even got menus. All the orders then came down to the...
  19. J

    Guaranteed Empty Seat next to you in coach

    I just came up with an idea (scary thought) to drive extra revenue and add to passenger comfort and satisfaction: One of my big hangups traveling overnight coach is the thought of sleeping next to, well, anyone. As much as I would hope it would be an attractive female, with my luck it would be...
  20. J

    Steamtown fall excursions posted

    Not sure if anyone is following this or not, but Steamtown posted their summer excursion schedule and tickets are now available. It can be found at, As you can see there is quite an extensive list of trips...