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  1. L

    Southwest Chief discussion 2025

    Sorry off topic but wanted to share something positive. SWC was running early arrivals into ABQ and Lamy yesterday!!
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    Southwest Chief discussion

    Seems like ticketing for Amtrak's Throughway bus from Flagstaff to Williams is good choice unless you want a car at Grand Canyon.
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    Albuquerque Hotel— Shuttle to Amtrak Station?

    I once parked my car at an offsite ABQ airport and they shuttled me to the Amtrak station. On return I took a taxi.
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    Southwest Chief delays?

    Does anyone know why #3 SWC has been so often late to arrive at Trinidad recently. In the past #3 has usually been close to ontime into Trinidad, or maybe I've just been lucky?
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    Amtrak long term service cancellations and restorations (2022-2023H1)

    Oops, Sorry for the partial post! 313 will be suspended and replaced by 319 Lincoln Service, by the end of May, the way I understand it. I was ticketed on 313 and Amtrak reticketed me on 319.
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    Amtrak dining and cafe service

    Years ago I put my 80 yr old dad on the SWC for his return home, hoping he'd enjoy the train trip experience as much as I do. At his dining car table the other younger people completely ignored him while they continued conversations. He felt ostracized and left out, not a good experience for...
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    Taxi? Uber? Lyft? Bus? from SEA station to hotel??

    I too am a country girl. If I arrive in an unfamiliar city with luggage, I will often choose a taxi, usually right outside the Amtrak station, to get to my hotel. If your Seattle train is late it could be past dark. And schlepping luggage to the hotel may not be much fun. For day trips around...
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    Amtrak considering shifting Credit-Card Portfolio away from BofA

    When it changed from Chase to B of A the AGR points were not lost.
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    Who is drawn to slow train travel?

    I agree with TLcooper, all types of people ride long distance trains. On the portion of the SW Chief I usually ride I dont find it slow or inconvenient. Quite the opposite. I'm not afraid of flying, but I admit I dont like being in a narrow seat with someone too big for their seat hanging over...
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    What is your favorite station?

    For a big city station, Kansas City's Union Station with Christmas decor and player piano is gorgeous.
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    What is your favorite station?

    Thanks for posting those pics, Devils Advocate. Great stuff! Had only seen one of them before.
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    What is your favorite station?

    My favorite small station, so far, is Lamy, New Mexico despite few services. There I feel immersed in the true West. Sitting under the portico in the shade beneath aged cottonwood trees the old West comes alive in my mind. There I am taken back to the age of Butch and Sundance...
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    What features are important in a sleeper

    Cleanliness is #1, and a good car attendant. These are always the most important to me
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    Should Amtrak allow smoking again?

    In addition to mortality amongst protected CA Condors from eating discarded carcass parts from animals killed with lead bullets, Lead from bullets can also make it unsafe for human consumption. (Sorry a little off topic)
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    Should Amtrak allow smoking again?

    Maintaining smoke free Amtrak cars is essential. If they want to add an open air smoking car that 'might' be okay as long as it doest allow smoke to drift into other cars. They need to work with platform managers to provide butt cans at every fresh air (haha)/ smoke stop and locations away from...
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    New DOT Secretary?

    Rail Passengers Association helps a lot with lobbying politicians. If you arent yet a member, please consider joining!
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    Rail nationalisations may be coming down the track

    Please don't confuse what this president wants or believes with what Americans want or believe.
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    Who travels in the Sleeper Cars?

    Solo travelers
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    First time traveling on train advice/help

    Manny, Alvaredo is fairly small and the SWChief, when on time, stops there for about half hour. So you could have plenty of time to board and get settled before departure. If its running late it will board passengers and depart. You can move from car to car after boarding even if train has...
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    People will steal your stuff on amtrak right in front of you.

    Its really too bad that Lacunacoil had such a bad experience.We do all need to be extra aware these days. Give Amtrak another try!