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  1. S

    Martinsburg WV station parking

    I use the Martinsburg station for my Amtrak trips 2-3 times a year. I had a bad experience where I purchased a parking pass from the city but arrived to find that no spaces remained due to illegal parking in the spaces meant for those with passes. The city staff don't care and obviously...
  2. S

    Across the country-twice

    I just returned from an 18-day trip to visit friends and family that included: The Capital limited between Martinsburg, WV and Chicago (both ways) The Zepher between Chicago and Sacramento The Coast Starlight between Sacramento and Eugene The Cascades between Eugene and Seattle The Empire...
  3. S

    Parking in Martinsburg, WV for a 3 day train trip to NYC??

    I just caught up with this post but I must warn people about using the parking system at the Amtrak/MARC station in Martinsburg. The city is less than honest as they will sell you an inexpensive permit to park for the number of days you need and you are told (including in signs in the station)...
  4. S

    Parking in Martinsburg, WV for a 3 day train trip to NYC??

    I take Amtrak west from Martinsburg, WV once or twice a year. The city is less than honest with people about the parking situation. It is true that they will sell you a pass for $1 a day and they state on a sign in the station that they do not sell more such passes than there are spaces...