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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. N

    EB Mess - 2

    I think this is what worries me the most. I see my first trip on the EB as an adventure. We have altered out plans a bit to accommodate the late arrivals like adding a nights lodging at the Izaak Walton Inn and changing the location of the pick up for the rental car in Portland but we don't...
  2. N

    Finding out location of my roomette

    Thanks for the advice. I called today and found out that I was in Room 9 on the Upper Lever from Chicago to Essex and then Room 5 from Essex to Portland.
  3. N

    Finding out location of my roomette

    Thank you. Are the upper levels usually assigned first unless there is a request for the lower level? I am really hoping that I am on the upper level. Am I correct that you go through the cars on the upper level? I really do appreciate having this forum. I have traveled a number of times on...
  4. N

    Finding out location of my roomette

    New to this Forum. Have learned a lot and enjoy many of the discussions. I have just recently purchased online, a roomette on the EB for a trip from Chicago to Essex this summer. Is there a way I can find out the location of the roomette? My primary interest is if it is located on the upper...