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    Hello everyone, I kind of eluded to this question some time ago, but my trip on Cardinal #50 to Washington Union Station is Wednesday and I'm starting to get nervous about the luggage situation. I am boarding at a station that is not staffed and I am not able to get to a station that is...
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    Cardinal 50 Delays

    Thank you for the information Stellar1! I know that route is particularly susceptible to freight delays and averages over an hour late, but it is unfortunate to hear of this delay in particular. Shanghai, I am on a temporary assignment and currently live in Huntington, WV. It isn't a fun...
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    Cardinal 50 Delays

    Does anyone know why #50 is running behind almost 6.5 hours? This line typically runs late but not that late. I didn't know if there was flooding going on or what.
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    First Time Rider

    Thanks for the quick reply! Since my ticket is for Ashland and I need to go to Huntington for checked baggage, can I just board there? Or is that not possible since my ticket is marked for Ashland?
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    First Time Rider

    Hello everyone, I have been browsing these forums and searching on them for days. I cannot say how much I appreciate all of the information given on here. With my student savings (still in college), the Amtrak was such an economical option even compared to just driving. I am both extremely...