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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. S

    34 days until vacation

    I've just got 5 days left and it's been a looonnnggg wait. I hope you have a great time.
  2. S

    What does your Forum User Name mean?

    My son's name is Stone therefore I am Stonesmama. :)
  3. S

    Most Ambitious Trip Yet

    Wow, thanks for all the great advice. I especially needed to know about the slower traffic up North. Most of our roads are 70 - 75 mph. We are planning to weave through the White mountains, specifically going through Franconia Notch which is supposed to be preparing for a wildflower festival...
  4. S

    Most Ambitious Trip Yet

    I love to plan big road trips in the summer and we usually take a cruise at Christmas. We live in Texas and nearly always travel Northwest. It is me, my husband, and our 16 year old son. This is what we have planned for this year (we leave in one week): Day 1: Drive to New Orleans (9hrs)...