
Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. S

    Location of Business Car on Carolinian 79

    Hi, I’m taking the Carolinian for the first time, only for a short ride but chose an assigned seat in business class. I was wondering if anyone knew where the business class car, seemingly its only one, is located on the train? Is it the first car or the last car at the back? Just so I know...
  2. coalman

    Sleeping in Coach/Business

    I'm planning a 24 hr. trip in May from PDX to Santa Baraba. I will take sleeper down but was thinking of seeing what sleeping in coach was like on way back? Should I take a blanket and pillow? Is it worth 50$ extra to try Business? Any chance that I could buy a meal in dining car? Thank you...
  3. M

    Business Class in long distance trains

    I'm seeing that the Coast Starlight has business class, which is unusual for long distance trains. Do any other LD trains have business class or is the CS the only one? The biggest perk for me would probably be the metropolitan lounge in LA assuming it's a nice one. Amtrak's website seems to...