A couple of questions from a first time future train traveler

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Kelly L

I'll be traveling from Dallas to Emeryville in December. I noticed I will have to change trains when I get to Los Angeles. My first question is, On the train back from Emeryville to Dallas, the layover in Los Angeles is only 49 minutes. Is this a reasonable time to be able to catch my other train, as I keep hearing stories of delays?!? If I am booked from Emeryville to Dallas if the train is delayed, will the other train wait a bit, or am I SOL? My second question is, if I check my luggage, when I have to transfer trains, do they automatically transfer my luggage for me onto the new train, like an airline does, or do I need to retrieve it and check it in again for the new train? Any help with these would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you!
Connection reliability really must be evaluated on a connection by connection basis (as Amtrak itself does) not by broad brush assumptions.

The guaranteed connection between the Coast Starlight and Sunset/Texas Eagle is surprisingly reliable, despite the short connection time, shorter than Amtrak's general 60 minute guideline for providing the guarantee.

Since 2/422 only runs three times a week, they really do not like to pay for a couple nights hotel for misconnecting passengers, since there is not a train the following day.

The connection is protected by the following practices:
1. There is almost an hour of schedule pad for the Starlight's arrival in LA.
2. If enough delay is incurred south of the Bay Area to endanger the connection, Amtrak will "bustitute" connecting passengers to cut the corner. Usually they'll take connecting passengers off in Oxnard and bus them to Ontario to catch the Sunset/Eagle.
3. If the Starlight incurs significant delays north of the Bay Area, Amtrak will reroute and reticket Starlight passengers connecting to the Sunset/Eagle onto the San Joaquin train/Thruway bus route via Bakersfield. That is hours faster than the Starlight between Emeryville and LA.

Also, if the connection is made, but close, they will often spot the Starlight across the platform from the Sunset so all you have to do is walk across the platform.

Checked baggage is handled just like the airlines, Amtrak will handle the transfer.

Finally, note the connection guarantee only applies when both trains are on a single reservation number. If they are separately ticketed, you're on your own.
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If the computer gives you the option for a 49 min connection then it’s up to Amtrak make you connect. The train will not wait for you. Your connection may become a bus ride.

Normal Amtrak requires a two hour connection time for it to guaranteed it. I see the Coastal Starlight and the Texas Eagle has a bookable connection of 49mins.

Baggage can be checked to your final destinations, this would not require any input from you.

49 minutes for luggage is just asking for issues. Amtrak is good on sorting luggage for destinations by the onboard staff. The station staff could make it happen or not. I would plan on carrying my luggage, but asking the staff at your boarding station would determine the correct method.

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