AGR points posted from Metrolink TVM purchase

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Anyone have success getting AGR to post points for an Amtrak ticket purchased via Metrolink TVM's?

Went thru all the rigamarole to enter the long AGR number using the < > keys. Hope it was worth it.
The points from my Metrolink TVM-issued Amtrak ticket have not posted. It's just 100 points, but I persist chasing after them on principle!

Nor has AGR responded within their 48 hour SLA per their website for missing points.
The points from my Metrolink TVM-issued Amtrak ticket have not posted. It's just 100 points, but I persist chasing after them on principle!Nor has AGR responded within their 48 hour SLA per their website for missing points.
Did the name on your ticket match exactly to the name on your AGR account?
I haven't been out in MetroLink Land since exactly a year ago (pre eTickets) all getting paper tickets for my trip and did have success with tickets from MetroLink TVMs automatically posting. Then there was the time the MetroLink TVM gave out three tickets into a five ticket itinerary (adding stopovers to those Thruway connecting trips in California, previously booked on line) and handed me a receipt to send the tickets to Philly for a refund. Luckily this was the night before my trip the next day (at North Pamona waiting to head back to Union Station). I did waste over a half-hour as the agents struggled to reissue my tickets.