Alert Engineer Calls 911 To Report Commercial Fire

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Jan 13, 2011
Here's an interesting story...early this morning a commercial building in Salem, Oregon caught fire around 3 a.m.

At that hour of the morning, there would have been very little vehicular traffic on the side of the building with the

flames. But there WAS somebody coming down the street...a Portland & Western train! The engineer noticed the

flames and dialed 911. Firefighters arrived 4 minutes later and kept the damage to a tolerable level and the

business (a non-profit thrift store) is expected to re-open in a few days.

This section of railroad tracks runs right down Front Street. You can see the back of the business in this streetview

image (it's the tan building across the street from the Grocery Outlet). And you can see the tracks in the street.

News coverage here. Press release here.