Unfortunately, with Amtrak you kind of have to know your own benefits (like Dining Car access).
They have a lot of great employees, but management’s record on employee training is not great and a small minority of employees will conveniently “forget” duties or customer benefits if it makes their life easier.
Truer words have never been said. I remember some years ago when the normally excellent dining car service (on a Northbound Crescent) set out paper plates and plasticware including cups, saying that "AMTRAK" had changed from the other "for SAFETY reasons". This lasted a couple of trips. I asked the AMTRAK folks in Phila, and they said "not only no, but HELL no!". Took the info about my trip and the pictures I had taken. I returned three days later and things were back to normal. One DCA attendant said "there were repercussions". It was one particular crew that didn't want to deal with dirty dishes.
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