This adventure, described by Mr. Behling, reminds me of one I had during December 1962 - my only ride on the NKP (youngsters; that's the New York, Chicago, and St. Louis, known as the Nickel Plate.
I was returning home (NY) from Champaign, and I wanted to give the NKP a ride (I had missed out owing to a losing "platform dash" during Dec '61). By then, their train "New Yorker" was Coach only, so I was going to change to NYC #16, Ohio State Limited, at Cleveland.
Well, this #8 had heavyweight Coaches for the "revenue", but two LW Coaches, ostensibly deadhead, but otherwise for the crew.
Seems like the steam lines froze somewhere around Forstoria OH, and despite "fuesee thaws" at each station, never again generated heat. I went back to an adequately heated "deadhead Coach", but was promptly run out. "This is for crew only".
All told, I wish I had ridden during '61. Then there was a through Chi-Hoboken (to the EL@Buffalo) Pullman sleeper line, and up front, beautiful Alco PA "Bluebirds".