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Suggestion to AGR and Amtrak:

Hire Paul M. as a Contracted Consultant to implement the plan he mentions in his excellent post explaining a simpler, fairer,  New AGR3.0 that benefits both Amtrak and we, the loyal customers!Win!/Win!

And to the posters who  have problems with those of us who make "point runs" to acquire points to use for LD trips:

Those of us that live where there is only one train a day,( or less or none!) ie in flyover country, have  to use LD Trains to acquire points ( along with using our AGR Chase MC or other Cards). The 100 Point Minimum was nice, but it wasn't really "gaming the system", it was the only game in town!

Plus there was a 4 segment limit a day on point runs ( good for those who live on Corridors)  and during double and triple bonus days, the limit was two! We paid for the listed Amtrak Fare, minus any discounts offered, so how was this gaming the system?

My other bone to pick is eliminating the use of Senior/ AAA/Student/Military etc Discount Fares when calculating a Redemption of points now that the redemptions will be Fare based!

Way to stick it to us guys, maybe you can send us a jar of Vasoline as a Bonus?!!! Why not just do away with all Discounts, publish your Fares and be done with it! EZ-PZ!!!!

Now we await the New AGR Master Card ( most probably BOA)Rollout! Wonder what hidden devaluations  and " Gotchas!" will be in this surprise package?

Changing your Motto to "Less is More and More for Less!!" may look good in a Biz School power point presentation, but as a Loyalty Model it sucks! No way to treat your good  customers guys! YMMV

Marketing Spin and Speak may sound good @ 60 Mass and to the Mica Managers on the Hill, but it doesn't fool us out here in the real world! Rewards is not a synonym for Penalties!

Pleeeeze! You got some splainin' to do!

Addition": Re :Cheys post;  Yep, cue the Travelin' Wilburys  singing "End of the Line". Perfect!!!
