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1. I don't care that you don't care how I feel. (Yay, we're getting meta again!)

2. Who implied that "the reduction of free sleeper travel" "might not improve things for most AGR members"? Like many people, I'm simply expressing my own frustration - not just at Amtrak, but at all the people (like you) who aren't just stating that my concerns are irrelevant to Amtrak, but that they don't EXIST.

3. Personally, exploiting frequent-traveler programs isn't my hobby. I don't participate in any other frequent traveler programs, or travel long distance (more than a few hours) by any other means other than Amtrak. Taking long-distance train travel might even be considered a hobby for some, but for me it's how I choose to actually get around the country. And if it affects me, it also affects a whole lot of other people who travel long distance in sleepers, and might affect my future ability to travel that way (if enough other sleeper passengers are also affected). So yeah, I can see how it bothers me more than it might bother you.
