Actually, there is a way to use your smartphone as a direct scanner. First, you need a ~$30 DVB stick. If you Google rtl-SDR you'll find a site (something osmocom) that talks about the hardware and how to get it to work on your computer. To get it to work on your phone, you need an OTG adapter, these are usually used for hooking up keyboards or mice to phones and tablets. You'll also need the RTL232 driver from the Play store, not sure if there's a version for iPhone. You'll also need an app that can use the driver to receive audio. A free one is SDR Touch, but there's a paid version for ~$10. In theory, just the free apps should allow you to listen to railroad communications, I have not tested this yet, but I have tested my setup against a known FM broadcast station and weather radio station and it worked. The Terratec stick I use uses a nonstandard antenna connector (for the U.S.) so I haven't built a more compact mobile antenna yet for it yet for use with railroad frequencies. The usual disclaimer of liability for scanner laws, phone warranty, etc. applies here.