Applying for the Credit Card

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Sep 6, 2007
Northampton MA
I don't have the AGR credit card yet, but I'd like to get one. Thing is, I don't know much about credit scores/histories and wanted to see if anyone here has a clue about whether I might be better off waiting a while before applying as opposed to applying now. So what follows isn't exactly on-point for AGR discussion, but I'm hoping someone might still have advice.

I have one Mastercard (11 months old), one store charge card (5 months old), and one store charge card (3 years old); additionally, my bank apparently ran a credit check on me five months ago when I opened a new checking account with them. I got this information from Equifax just now (free annual credit report). I paid extra to get the credit score, and it's not bad, but not great either (695). Factors in my favor: perfect payment-in-full history on all three cards. Factors apparently lowering my score: short age of accounts; number of inquiries in past twelve months; most recent account opening is "very recent".

Obviously, waiting until January to apply would knock the Mastercard over the one-year-old point (reducing "inquiries in past year" from three to two) and the most-recent store card over the six-month-old point (maybe six months is the dividing line between "very recent" and not?). That might make my application look better (or it might not make much difference, I don't know).

Basically, I don't know if the factors working against me are enough to make applying for the card now a bad idea or not; I really don't care if I get a low ($500?) credit limit, since I've got another card and I really just want this one (for now) for getting the extra AGR on Amtrak tickets. But obviously I don't want to either be denied or have this make some sort of negative impact on my credit score.

Applying (and getting a card now) would let me charge about $500 in Amtrak travel between now and the end of the year on the new card--that's what makes it particularly tempting now as opposed to just waiting a couple months. (Otherwise, I'd just wait without question.)

Anyone here know more about this, from either the banking or life-experience side of things? Obviously, I'm fairly new to the world of credit. Thanks!
You won't know if you can get the card until your apply. It's as simple as that.

If you feel like you need to make some kind of in depth examination of your credit history, I'd suggest starting at the finance forum at

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