Today's fish wrap (aka The RealEstatesman)lead story trumpets: ta-da! Beginning March 22nd the long delayed and legendarily troubled pride of CapMetro the Light Rail Red Line will begin Mon-Fri service with 19 trains a day beginning @ 5:45AM, reversing schedules @ 3:45PM. Special Cap Metro busses will provide shuttles to/from the State Capital Complex and the University of Texas with day tickets/weekly and monthly passes available that will be good on all city busses. No weekend or Holiday service will be available, perhaps later for special events etc.
Daily ridership is anticipated to begin @ 1,000 each way with growth expected as exposure grows.Park and ride is available @ the Sububan stations but not the urban stations. All freight traffic on this line will be run @ night and on weekends including the Hill Country Flyer, a tourist train that makes weekend runs into the Texas Hill Country! As several famous newscasters have said, Good Day and Good Luck!
Daily ridership is anticipated to begin @ 1,000 each way with growth expected as exposure grows.Park and ride is available @ the Sububan stations but not the urban stations. All freight traffic on this line will be run @ night and on weekends including the Hill Country Flyer, a tourist train that makes weekend runs into the Texas Hill Country! As several famous newscasters have said, Good Day and Good Luck!