More "tests" being run on the "soon to begin operations" RedLine here in Cap City. The latest glitch is that when the train approaches the station it puts down the crossing gates per procedure but also the next gate for the next station resulting in traffic jams and/or vehicles running around the gates which we all know is not good! An international search is underway to hire an Executive Director for CapMetro, hopefully one with succesful light rail experience! In the meantime fares are being tripled and quadrupled for busses and rail travel due to cost overruns on getting the light rail running!
And so it goes in the never ending saga of "light rail comes to Austin!" :blink: Hope to ride it before my time on this planet is over!!
And so it goes in the never ending saga of "light rail comes to Austin!" :blink: Hope to ride it before my time on this planet is over!!
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