Actually what would be interesting is to learn what has been the trend in actual customer complaints since the changes were made. We all know that there has been loud complaints on AU, but in the bigger scheme of things that may or may not mean a hill of beans. We are a complaining bunch and complain loudly about almost anything, and threaten to never ever ride the train again at the drop of a hat. What are the regular customers saying and is it actually affecting ridership and revenues?
I think it is quite true that Lounge space has become quite limited during dinner and breakfast time, since half the upstairs space (the table end) is used for Dining Service. At the end of the day this would appear to be tradeoff between additional revenue against provision of additional non-revenue space on the train. How is the tradeoff working out?
I must admit, as someone who had not experienced the luxury of an additional lounge in the past, it did not bother me a heck of a lot. But I can see how those that have experienced the luxury would be bummed about it.