I figured that I'd bump this thread to finish the C-8 tour of 2010. (See posts toward the end.) Besides, I've got more trips planned, including one in under 2 weeks! I don't want to get behind!
The C-8 tour of 2010 is complete, staring the_traveler (and I guess I must include jackal in a staring role too) – with many co-stars and guest appearances. It is called that the C-8 tour, because using CHI as a center point, it is comprised of 2 circles NYP-ALB-CHI-CVS-WAS-NYP and CHI-STL-KCY-LAX-PDX-CHI – combined to form a figure 8! And being top heavy, it needed 2 legs to stand on!
As many other have included photos and/or videos in their reports, I will forego including any in mine.
Part 1 (of many).
jackal (Chris) flew from "home" in Alaska to JFK and then took a train to KIN (Kingston) and stayed at CTE (Chez Traveler East) overnight (in the Presidential Suite - or so I told him) to join the C-8 tour!
Wednesday 10/6
We took #66 from KIN to BOS (Boston) on 10/6. #66 was about 35 minutes late, and departed KIN just before 7 AM. It's consist was a P-42 (not a toaster or HHP), 2 deadheading cafes, 1 baggage car, a café/BC car and 4 coaches. It arrived in BOS at 7:57 AM – which was 37 minutes late.
Then, we marched up to the CA (Club Acela) to await #2163 at 11:15 AM. I had used my Select upgrade coupons to upgrade us to Acela First for our trip to NYP (New York). We were offered an option to take the 9:15 AM (upgraded), but we turned that down, as we decided that the lunch offering was better than the breakfast offering. Also, the BOS CA was more appealing to wait a couple extra hours in instead of the NYP CA.
#2163 departed on time at 11:15 AM. It zipped thru KIN @ 146 MPH (slow!
) about 12 noon! For lunch, I had the Thai chili mint salad with chicken! (It was good!
) #2163 First was full by NHV. It arrived on time into NYP at 2:45 PM.
We then marched into the CA at NYP, to await our departure on the LSL. We also met AlanB and his mom Grace, who were also going to STL (St Louis) via the LSL! #49 departed NYP on time @ 3:45 PM. We happened to have roomettes in the same sleeper, and joined Alan and Grace for dinner in the (real Heritage) diner. (What could be finer?
) There was only 1 stop between NYP and ALB (Albany). We departed ALB on time @7:05 PM, after 1 hour of waiting for the scheduled departure time.
Thursday 10/7
#49/449 arrived into CHI the following morning, and was wyed prior to our arrival into CHI (Chicago). (This was the first time – for me – in a very long time. Usually, I just pull into Union Station straight.) We arrived into CHI about 20 minutes late.
We then "followed the herd" to the ML (Metropolitan Lounge)
, where we had previously arrange to meet with others for a "pre-Gathering Gathering". Most others were arriving into CHI on the CL. Normally, the CL arrives about an hour prior to the LSL – but not today! (We joke that it was because the leader had to arrive before the rest of the gang – thus the LSL arrived first!
) Some others came in on other trains also.
As arranged about 15 of us (names withheld to protect the innocent
) had pizza from Giordano's (the unofficial pizza of AU). We proceeded to devour 6 pizzas we brought back to the ML!
#22/422 was using a detour route to run non-stop to STL, due to track work on the regular route. We had departed CHI on time, but then stopped on one of the switches at Union Station. Per my scanner, it was determined that we had broken an air hose. Because our train was blocking the exit of the CZ from CHI, we proceeded to the Amtrak Maintainence Facility for repairs.
This was the beginning of our losing time on the detour route! We departed at 2:30 PM, after the repairs were completed.
As it happened (unplanned), Chris and I were placed in the trans-dorm, and had our room directly across from Alan and Grace. This was my first experience in the trans-dorm.
After departing at 2:30, we followed the Cardinal's route for a while. About 3:15, we stopped to pick up a UP pilot for our routing on the detour route. We finally started underway again at 4:10. (Not in a co-starring role – but we passed thru MikeFromCrete's town – Crete – at 4:30!) We were put in the hole for a UP freight for over 15 minutes once on the detour route. A crew change occurred at 7:10.
#22/422 finally arrived STL about 11 PM – over 3 ½ hours late!
We then proceeded to Party Central (aka the Hilton) for the stay in STL! (Many others of the gang also chose to stay at the Hilton!)
The next parts will include the Gathering and the LOOOONNNNG trip home!
(To be continued!)
The C-8 tour of 2010 is complete, staring the_traveler (and I guess I must include jackal in a staring role too) – with many co-stars and guest appearances. It is called that the C-8 tour, because using CHI as a center point, it is comprised of 2 circles NYP-ALB-CHI-CVS-WAS-NYP and CHI-STL-KCY-LAX-PDX-CHI – combined to form a figure 8! And being top heavy, it needed 2 legs to stand on!
As many other have included photos and/or videos in their reports, I will forego including any in mine.
Part 1 (of many).
jackal (Chris) flew from "home" in Alaska to JFK and then took a train to KIN (Kingston) and stayed at CTE (Chez Traveler East) overnight (in the Presidential Suite - or so I told him) to join the C-8 tour!
Wednesday 10/6
We took #66 from KIN to BOS (Boston) on 10/6. #66 was about 35 minutes late, and departed KIN just before 7 AM. It's consist was a P-42 (not a toaster or HHP), 2 deadheading cafes, 1 baggage car, a café/BC car and 4 coaches. It arrived in BOS at 7:57 AM – which was 37 minutes late.
Then, we marched up to the CA (Club Acela) to await #2163 at 11:15 AM. I had used my Select upgrade coupons to upgrade us to Acela First for our trip to NYP (New York). We were offered an option to take the 9:15 AM (upgraded), but we turned that down, as we decided that the lunch offering was better than the breakfast offering. Also, the BOS CA was more appealing to wait a couple extra hours in instead of the NYP CA.
#2163 departed on time at 11:15 AM. It zipped thru KIN @ 146 MPH (slow!
We then marched into the CA at NYP, to await our departure on the LSL. We also met AlanB and his mom Grace, who were also going to STL (St Louis) via the LSL! #49 departed NYP on time @ 3:45 PM. We happened to have roomettes in the same sleeper, and joined Alan and Grace for dinner in the (real Heritage) diner. (What could be finer?
Thursday 10/7
#49/449 arrived into CHI the following morning, and was wyed prior to our arrival into CHI (Chicago). (This was the first time – for me – in a very long time. Usually, I just pull into Union Station straight.) We arrived into CHI about 20 minutes late.
We then "followed the herd" to the ML (Metropolitan Lounge)
As arranged about 15 of us (names withheld to protect the innocent
#22/422 was using a detour route to run non-stop to STL, due to track work on the regular route. We had departed CHI on time, but then stopped on one of the switches at Union Station. Per my scanner, it was determined that we had broken an air hose. Because our train was blocking the exit of the CZ from CHI, we proceeded to the Amtrak Maintainence Facility for repairs.
This was the beginning of our losing time on the detour route! We departed at 2:30 PM, after the repairs were completed.
As it happened (unplanned), Chris and I were placed in the trans-dorm, and had our room directly across from Alan and Grace. This was my first experience in the trans-dorm.
After departing at 2:30, we followed the Cardinal's route for a while. About 3:15, we stopped to pick up a UP pilot for our routing on the detour route. We finally started underway again at 4:10. (Not in a co-starring role – but we passed thru MikeFromCrete's town – Crete – at 4:30!) We were put in the hole for a UP freight for over 15 minutes once on the detour route. A crew change occurred at 7:10.
#22/422 finally arrived STL about 11 PM – over 3 ½ hours late!
We then proceeded to Party Central (aka the Hilton) for the stay in STL! (Many others of the gang also chose to stay at the Hilton!)
The next parts will include the Gathering and the LOOOONNNNG trip home!
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