Tennessee Traveler
I guess you better not be so distracted since you can verify on Railstreams the MH Cam in Chicago that the California Zephyr 5 and 6 continue to operate FIVE Superliners forward of the Sightseer Lounge which are the transition sleeper, three full sleepers, and the dining car. I check this most everyday and through today 9/30/2018, the departing #5 is operating a transition sleeper, three full sleepers, dining car, sightseer lounge and only two coaches. Sleepers are still forward and the two coaches are the last to cars on the train.Several recent distracted (talking with neighbors, "rassilin" with Moxie - a neighbor's Golden who has yet to learn "enuf") sightings of 5 and 6 I've had appeared to have only four Superliners forward of the Lounge. That would suggest "we're now down to two".