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Is that still done? The last time I remember seeing that is during the NY - Boston electrification project when they were single tracking through Connecticut.
Hmm...not sure if it's still done with the modern dispatching systems nowadays. Anyone know? Possibly on some obscure short lines?
If not, than another time-honored, traditional railroad practice, is 'gone with the wind'....
I have a question if someone can answer. I got an email to interview for a coach cleaner job and to make a long story short i used to work for amtrak in washington state and was fired before probation. I reapplied and got an email to interview for a coach cleaner job in New York City so I guess you can get rehired maybe after a certain period of time and when I initially went through the hiring process they drug tested me for my hair, but they did not test for marijuana. The only tested it for your urine. I stopped smoking 17 days ago. I also work out 5-6 days a week im 131lbs and short. So should i be okay? I was worried about the drug test even though i went through it before, because what if it changed or it was a special circumstance. Please help! 🙏🏻 thanks!
I have a question if someone can answer. I got an email to interview for a coach cleaner job and to make a long story short i used to work for amtrak in washington state and was fired before probation. I reapplied and got an email to interview for a coach cleaner job in New York City so I guess you can get rehired maybe after a certain period of time and when I initially went through the hiring process they drug tested me for my hair, but they did not test for marijuana. The only tested it for your urine. I stopped smoking 17 days ago. I also work out 5-6 days a week im 131lbs and short. So should i be okay? I was worried about the drug test even though i went through it before, because what if it changed or it was a special circumstance. Please help! 🙏🏻 thanks!

I guess we'll find out if you're ok soon enough, but if it makes you feel better, I don't believe they are doing hair samples these days.
I noticed Amtrak's job listings (link) have included numerous conductor trainee postings in all regions just within the past few days. Curious if anyone here may have some insight whether this is a typical time of year to recruit conductor trainees across the network and also if anyone who's not an internal hire has found success landing interviews/offers for the training program. Thanks.
I noticed Amtrak's job listings (link) have included numerous conductor trainee postings in all regions just within the past few days. Curious if anyone here may have some insight whether this is a typical time of year to recruit conductor trainees across the network and also if anyone who's not an internal hire has found success landing interviews/offers for the training program. Thanks.
I think that at this point in time that the majority of people who were internal transfers have already made the move.
They tend to hire Conductors several times a year, whenever they have enough need to run a class. They hire many people off the street for these positions especially off the NE Corridor locations.
Bingo! OBS has it spot on.
Hi, I just got hired and my first day of training starts on February 5th. What I be doing for training, and would they be sending me anywhere for it? I got hired for OBS chef out of LA. Thanks in advance!!
Welcome to AU!
And congratulation's on your new job!

I am not familiar with the training of chef's at Amtrak, but I am assuming you already have chef experience in restaurants. Most likely, you will be spending time initially in classrooms, learning Amtrak rules, safety, etc., and then learning their menu's, ingredients, procedures, accounting, stocking etc., probably at their HR center, or maybe in their commissary.
Then you will go out on trains, to learn at the guidance of experienced chef's, until you are ready to perform the job on your own...

Good luck!
Hi, I just got hired and my first day of training starts on February 5th. What I be doing for training, and would they be sending me anywhere for it? I got hired for OBS chef out of LA. Thanks in advance!!
First off, Welcome to Amtrak! I am a former OBS employee and now I'm a conductor for Amtrak. I am one of a few Amtrak employees on this railfan page who will share their knowledge about hiring and on occasion inside info.

As for your chef training, I'm not entirely sure what they do for training, where they'll train you etc. As for what trains you can expect to work, The Coast Starlight, Southwest Chief, and Sunset Limited are based out of LA. So you can expect to travel to Chicago, Seattle, and New Orleans.

OBS hours are long. However it's well worth it. The best piece of advice I can provide is that when your body says take a nap, take a nap. Best times to do that as a chef are when you're in between meal periods. You'll learn how to manage your rest not only from your fellow OBS employees, but from yourself as well.
Hello I recently applied for the position passenger conductor trainee for Amtrak and I’m curious about the job timeline usually from applying online to be/ being contacted by HR/ then being assigned to the school for training if anyone has been through the process already, also on my profile candidate page I applied for the Seattle Washington station and it’s says it’s under review and the job listing for the job is no longer posted but I haven’t received or heard anything from Amtrak? Is this a good sign or a common tactic they use to review applicants still?
Hello I recently applied for the position passenger conductor trainee for Amtrak and I’m curious about the job timeline usually from applying online to be/ being contacted by HR/ then being assigned to the school for training if anyone has been through the process already, also on my profile candidate page I applied for the Seattle Washington station and it’s says it’s under review and the job listing for the job is no longer posted but I haven’t received or heard anything from Amtrak? Is this a good sign or a common tactic they use to review applicants still?
I recently applied on May 3rd also out of Los Angeles. I did interview on May 23rd. Class starts July 29th. They told me I would hear back from them via email after June 7th. I hope and pray that they give me the green light.
Hi guys. I have a question for any Amtrak engineers here. I posted a couple of years ago when I was going through the process of getting hired in mechanical. So now I’ve been there for a little bit, I was curious about anyone who’s been through the interview process for engineer trainee. Does anyone know specifically what kind of questions they ask?