Chicago union station: track 26-38?

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It said to tracks 26-38. There traditionally have only been 28 tracks at cus. Not sure where several new tracks will be added. Sorry about not being clear. I assumed that everybody knew that cus had 28 tracks.
It said to tracks 26-38. There traditionally have only been 28 tracks at cus. Not sure where several new tracks will be added. Sorry about not being clear. I assumed that everybody knew that cus had 28 tracks.
Well, you guessed wrong. Why would most members here know how many tracks are at any given station, other than their home station, perhaps.

You could have made your original post more clear by putting "To Tracks 26-38" in quotes, as I just did.
I agree that I assumed incorrectly. And that it might have been better to take a picture. I even apologized. So your snarky response was not necessary or helpful. Changing TTY he post title was.
It would have been helpful if you had said the sign said “Track 26-38”.

Asking people what a sign means without telling them what the sign says isn’t going to give you useful answers.
On the Union Station Master Plan from 2013 page 16 the mail platforms have track numbers 30,34,36 and 40. Not 38.
On the Union Station Master Plan from 2013 page 16 the mail platforms have track numbers 30,34,36 and 40. Not 38.
Maybe they decided to renumber the tracks?

That, or it's a sign maker error, as Mike mentioned. That should have been caught before they mounted it, though.
On the Union Station Master Plan from 2013 page 16 the mail platforms have track numbers 30,34,36 and 40. Not 38.
I've been down there in June they haven't made any headway on it. Probably the strangest place I've ever had a car placed in Chicago. We had just been switched from Metra La Salle to Amtrak and metra dropped us off on 40.
Me? I'm still looking for where Track 29 is located in Pennsylvania know...the one mentioned in this song.... :D

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I just boarded the Cardinal at Chicago last week and noticed this as well, but I was running late so thought I probably just missed something. With the knowledge that the sign was as I saw it, my guess is that someone put a 3 where the 2 was supposed to be, so there are still only 28 tracks.
All the even number tracks up to 40 exist. The first run-through track (19 on the north side) splits into 28 and 30 (30 has been used for Metra Heritage trains at times - passengers cross 28 at grade to reach it). 32, 34, and 36 are stub tracks under the old Post Office. The second run-through track (21 on the north side) then splits into 38 and 40. AFAIK, 38 has a platform (reached from 30's platform-I've seen a sign directing to it) but 40 does not. I've never seen 38 actually used for passengers.

BTW, even though there is a track 40, there aren't 40 tracks as the odd-numbered north side tracks only go to 23 (21 and 23 have no platform although they can be used in a pinch-particularly 21 which thanks to a crossover can reach the part of 19 alongside the headhouse)
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