Credit Card and AGR Number

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Jul 29, 2019
Greensboro, NC
We signed my wife up for the Amtrak paid CC to get those sweet, sweet AGR points now that it is 30,000 points. I was checking on the AGR website and her AGR number there is something I have never seen before so now I need to check on the CC website and make sure they are the same and if not change one or the other. Is there a place on the CC website to find the AGR number tied to the CC? I did not see anything but maybe I missed something.

I think the CC is correct as is her number at RPA, but we need to get Amtrak to tie in those numbers to the email she has on file. The account at the AGR website has zero points so nothing lost by dropping that number. But maybe the number I have for my wife is just not correct.
FNBO uses the email address to link the two (your CC email of record must be the same as your AGR email).
That's how it's supposed to work, but somehow they didn't find my AGR account. It took a couple of phone calls to AGR and a couple of weeks to get the points moved from my "new" FNBO-created account to my real account. They showed up on the AGR transactions list as "CSR adjustment."

The FNBO statement tells you how many points were sent to AGR. If they don't show up on the website within a couple of days of the statement date, call AGR.
That's how it's supposed to work, but somehow they didn't find my AGR account. It took a couple of phone calls to AGR and a couple of weeks to get the points moved from my "new" FNBO-created account to my real account. They showed up on the AGR transactions list as "CSR adjustment."

The FNBO statement tells you how many points were sent to AGR. If they don't show up on the website within a couple of days of the statement date, call AGR.
I haven't experienced any problems with that since "day one". My (and my wife's) points have been posted each month on schedule.
I called FNBO and they told me to call AGR. After a short hold I think I have the new account with no points deactivated and the number we knew about is tied to the CC and was from day one. tried to get my wife's AGR tied to the email she uses as the email that was tied to this AGR number is decades old. The email she uses was tied to the new AGR number so there might be more work to do as I can't get into any account now but making progress. At least the CC is tied to the correct AGR.

FNBO has been very good with posting my points within days of the statement closing. I am sure that will be the case with my wife. We also have a daughter that took advantage of the 30,000 point sign on bonus as she often rides the Carolinian to visit us in Greensboro from Richmond. That is worth a few free trips for her.