Crossing video shows baby rescued from car...

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No train ever appears. I assume it stopped prior to the crossing? Must have been going slowly.

Glad there were no injuries, but that driver really needs a ticket for putting an innocent child's life in grave danger by pulling a stunt like that.
From what I understand about the rail network in Britain, in many cases, the crossing must be verified as clear before the signaling system will allow the train to proceed through the area.
I don't know about the train situation, but there seems a much longer gap in the UK between the barriers coming down and the train arriving at the crossing, than in the USA. I don't think there is any mechanism to show the train that the crossing is clear, but I may be mistaken. Maybe if the barriers don't lower correctly there may be some interlock?

I found a video from Network Rail in the UK that explains their signaling and level crossing procedures, here it is

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The UK has 7 distinct types of level crossings, 4 protected and 3 unprotected depending on the risk level in the area

Page 12 of the following document shows these in more detail for those interested

Edit - link removed as doesn't work

(sorry cant work out how to insert the link)

Basically in built up areas the crossing will be protected by mostly by CCTV and the signaller wont release the block to the train until its clear. This will also include full barriers so no method of escape for vehicles or pedestrians caught in the middle.

Unprotected crossings will nearly always be accompanied by half barriers so there is an escape route and will only be found in rural areas
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