Daytime in LRK

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OBS Chief
Jun 15, 2009
Harker Heights, Texas
Both Texas Eagles travel through Arkansas in the middle of the night but back in August the TE did several daylight runs. Have you ever wonderded what sights you are missing in Arkansas?

to find out!
Both Texas Eagles travel through Arkansas in the middle of the night but back in August the TE did several daylight runs. Have you ever wonderded what sights you are missing in Arkansas?

:hi: Good video Stan, thanks! :cool: Those of us who ride the Eagles often probably think about a reschedule so we can see the scenery in Missouri and Arkansas in the daylight and not have to see the Cornfields in Illinois and the Centex Miles and Miles of Miles "scenery!"(and East Texas has so many trees theres not much to see in the "Piney Woods!" :lol: )

Once the new stop in Hope begins, and the Daily Eagle starts (maybe in our lifetimes??), perhaps there will be a reschedule so some of the nice scenery we now get in the dark will be visible!
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