December Epic finale -- coupon "for passenger inconvenience"

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Feb 15, 2011
near Seneca, Oregon
If you've seen my trip reports from our December Epic (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Photos), you'll know that it started out with an Empire Builder "bustitution" from PDX to SPK. I had booked a roomette for the trip, and eight hours on a bus in the dark was not my idea of comfort. This was a "tour bus", too: no legroom, no wi-fi, not even working reading lights over half the seats (and as I said, it was dark). Once I got home, I decided to call Customer Relations and see what they might offer me to make up for the discomfort and inconvenience.

Sandy at Customer Relations was very nice, and I told her I appreciated that her job must be quite busy and occasionally difficult this winter. I assured her that it wasn't about the schedule delays, I was expecting those, and took them in stride. It was just about that bus ride... she said she'd see what she could get for us, and put me on hold. When she came back, she said she was sending me a coupon for $150 off the price of future travel. I'd have to redeem it in person at an Amtrak ticket counter... hmmmnnn. No, she couldn't send me an "e-voucher" (those are desigend for different circumstances).

I explained the realities of living over 200 miles from the nearest train, and even further from the nearest ticket counter... she said instead of mailing it, they could keep it "on file" for me, and I could call Customer Relations with my case number any time in the next year to redeem it. I asked specifically, and she said yes, I could redeem it on day 364 for reservations a further 11 months out. It all sounded good to me.

This was an entirely pleasant experience, and I wished Sandy a good evening and "hope you can keep warm" (there in Pennsylvania). She thanked me for appreciating Amtrak. Just wanted to let you all know how it worked out.
Nice resolution, I think, and fair considering an 8 hour bus ride. I've not kept up with the latest developments in evouchers and such, but if she put something in the computer for you that would be good for one year, that should be convenient. If they did mail you a paper coupon, would you have been able to use it on a future trip on the day of travel?
I should make it clear that the coupon is for the *TWO* of us, not just me, because we traveled together (though she said it's made out to "Mr & Mrs" and either of us can use the entire amount).

I think if they mailed a paper coupon, and we were willing to take the risk of a sold-out train, we could cash it in the day of travel. But we are the type to make our reservations well in advance, so I will end up calling C.R. and getting the tickets by email.

I didn't write this part down, but I believe she said it's restricted to personal travel by one or both is us, since we were the ones "inconvenienced." It's not like a cash refund.
Oregon pioneer,

I was scheduled PDX-SPK several years ago in a bad ordered sleeper . I was moved to coach(train not bus) PDX-SPK then into a sleeper. I was given a slip of paper with a "case number" and told to call Customer Relations after the trip. I called (without complaining) and received a similar verbal promise of an E-credit on the books good for one year. CR refused to send anything on paper despite my request. The difference however, was that I received a $250 credit for "ONE".
Oregon pioneer,

I was scheduled PDX-SPK several years ago in a bad ordered sleeper . I was moved to coach(train not bus) PDX-SPK then into a sleeper. I was given a slip of paper with a "case number" and told to call Customer Relations after the trip. I called (without complaining) and received a similar verbal promise of an E-credit on the books good for one year. CR refused to send anything on paper despite my request. The difference however, was that I received a $250 credit for "ONE".
Ah, well, I guess times have changed! No one was given a "case number" in this instance. It was up to the individual to make the call. In fact, I don't believe we were given any advice at all at the time, and if I weren't a member of AU, I would not have known to call and ask. Thanks, friends, for the helpful info on this site! Without it, we'd have no recompense at all.
It's possible the difference in comp might be because of weather (not within Amtrak control) and the "bad" sleeper equipment (arguably within Amtrak's control). Just hazarding a guess, no idea really.
I've had to request compensation several times, and have never seen much consistency in the amounts given. In 2009 my bedroom's toilet didn't work for 20 hours on the California Zephyr. I got $250. Last November my bedroom's toilet didn't work for 24 hours on the Lake Shore Limited. I got $200. A third data point: last August our sleeper's air conditioning failed on the run between Minot and St. Paul. That was worth $100 to Customer Relations.

Personally, I only complain when the problem is Amtrak's fault, and then only if I wasn't happier with whatever happened. I didn't ask for compensation, for instance, last June when the Coast Starlight was 17 hours late into Portland, because we were that late after making a detour up the Feather River Canyon and BNSF Inside Gateway. Since the derailment we detoured around wasn't Amtrak's fault, and in any case I would have paid good money for that detour trip, I couldn't in good conscience ask for compensation. It's not like 8 hours in a bus.

I don't know what it means, but in 32 years of riding Amtrak, I've called Customer Relations four times: once in 2009, and three times last year.
Ispolkom makes a Great Point about Customer Relations! But Perhaps This is the One Area where Empowering Amtrak Employees to Do their Job Without a Set in Stone Policy is to Our Advantage! I've had Similar Dealings with Customer Relations, Always with Excellent Agents and with Similar Results! :)