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Dan O

Feb 21, 2008
So Calif
We went to the Pacific Southwest museum in Campo, 50 miles or so East of San Diego. We visited the musuem and then went for a train ride. About 5 miles out we came to an abrupt stop. No one was hurt as we were only going 12-15 mph. It's not good news when train personnel get out, stare at the engine and take pictures. The conductor notified us that the train had derailed. 241.JPG242.JPG243.JPG The track didn't look too good behind the engine. 244.JPG245.JPG After 90 minutes or so, we were ferried to the new train on speeder cars. It took 4 trips on two of them to ferry all 66 passengers.254.JPG256.JPG Actually, a couple of passengers were rescued via an SUV due to diabetes and severe immobility issues. We were ferried about a mile up the track and after 15 minutes or so the rescue train arrived. 257.JPG So our 1 hour ride ended up being 3 hours.

My young daughter saw a speeder car when we first got to the museum and said she wanted to go on one. Foolish me said they don't allow folks to ride on them. I guess that only applies in cases where there is no derailment.
My young daughter saw a speeder car when we first got to the museum and said she wanted to go on one. Foolish me said they don't allow folks to ride on them. I guess that only applies in cases where there is no derailment.
So much for your credibility! Now wait for the 'payback' when she is a teenager. :p